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Trump Claims He Had The Right To Interfere With The <strong>2</strong>0<strong>2</strong>0 Results And More Election Updates | Digg

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Trump Claims He Had The Right To Interfere With The 2020 Results, And More Election Updates

Trump Claims He Had The Right To Interfere With The 2020 Results, And More Election Updates
Biden stumps for Harris in Pittsburgh as we close in on the last part of the Presidential race.
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Hopefully, everyone had a restful and joyous Labor Day weekend because, ready or not, we're now squarely in the most hectic part of the 2024 election.

There are around two months to go, the first debate is roughly a week away and tradition dictates that the polls will become slightly more accurate after this point, as people start to pay closer attention to politics.

Here's what you missed while you were eating hot dogs and getting one last summer weekend under your belt before autumn comes knocking.

Trump says he had the right to interfere with the 2020 election

In an interview with Fox News, Trump bragged about his poll numbers rising with an indictment, and said that he had "every right to do it." The "it" in question is interfering with the 2020 election results in an attempt to overturn his loss.

Biden makes his first campaign appearance since dropping out

Biden's connection to working class Pennsylvanians was used to full effect over the Labor Day long weekend. This is the first time he has been asked to do this during the Harris campaign, and he was fairly spry.

Slate has some good advice about fighting election anxiety

Jill Filipovic at Slate answered a question from someone with massive election anxiety, and it's worth considering if you find yourself doom scrolling.

The best-case scenario is doing something in person that gets you out of the house and around other like-minded people, which will give you both a community to commiserate with and the feeling that you aren't just spinning out alone. Remind yourself that progress is made by an entire ecosystem of politicians, activists, and average citizens and that by showing up and engaging, you'll be doing more than 99 percent of people to actually effect change.


Here are a handful of the most recent national polls (Thanks to 538).

recent national polls

[Image: CNN/Fox, ABC News]


  1. Scott Williams 2 hours ago

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  2. Angie Warren 3 hours ago

    I see things differently from others. I am an outsider.
    Like Trump, I can say things that are true, but I may hurt your feelings.
    I believe Trump could be high functioning on the autism spectrum ...I really don't know and I am not a psychologist.
    I follow what a person does (actions)as much as what they say. Like him or not, Trump has said the same things for decades and has not flip flopped in his basic or core beliefs.
    People have loved him and talked great about him, regardless or their backgrounds, and financial status.
    People talked of all the great things he did and money he gave away in secret without fanfare or acknowledgement.
    I never really heard anything bad about Trump until he decided to stop being a democrat and run as a republican. That was when all of government, democrats and republicans turned on him ganged up, even media and beat us down nonstop with orangeman bad. I believe he solely ran as a republican because he knows the democrats have a way of eliminating those who are not in their club or chosen ones.
    IT was immediately in 2015 after he made the announcement to run with Melania his wife by his side, that i saw them turn on him and go at him hard. I've always thought it odd and two faced.
    I couldn't believe how they turned on their "friend".
    I haven't trusted the media since. I figure if i did something they deemed against them like vote for a republican, they will turn me into the enemy and go after me too. I've actually watched it happen to celebrities, you are not allowed to like the man anymore because THEY ( media, government whomever is running our country) had deemed him persona nongrata and you are persona nongrata if you are rational and have questions about the changes and lie presented.
    Just check your thoughts at the door, feel our ire, believe everything WE SAY because WE SAID SO!!! Kind of like slavery never ended, they solely changed how they operate it.
    I'm not a person who can say I wanted Bernie Sanders, ( I did like what he said), but I did note how the democrats talk about democracy and basically cheated their own ( Bernie Sanders) out of the nomination. They made it "legal" with their Superdelegates. They can ignore the will of the peoples vote and insert whomever they want to in government.
    They installed Kamala Harris, a person who dropped out of the presidential race because no one liked or even wanted her.
    We saw who she was in California, and what she did to it and how she was to the people who lived there. The media worked hard in her favor to bury or hide her history. You can only find things if you know which San Francisco paper it was in and which dates and years.
    This sounds like media doesn't really tell us the truth but colludes with whom they want us slaves to vote for.
    Speaking of democracy, what the HECK... EVERYONE knew Biden had dementia back in 2020 when he was hidden in the basement, especially those of us who are caring for family with Parkinson's or dementia, it was blatantly obvious. No real concrete proof but we saw it.
    Some of us caregivers even said, are they really going to allow that man with dementia run for POTUS.
    Biden runs for POTUS 2024 and he's worse than he was when he began back in 2020.
    People, who are around him 24/7, pretend that the debate, we all watched withBiden vs President Trump, was the first time they saw that he has dementia??? WTH!!!

    Kamala is HIS Vice President!!!

    If she couldn't tell that the President Biden had dementia, or something was wrong with him, and SHE works with him, then she is not astute enough to be the POTUS!
    Even President Trump, the man who tends to say what he thinks, many times curtly and hurting some peoples feelings, he called it out too.
    VP Harris's background of being raised by MARXIST ( both parent's were well known Marxist) and seeing all of her marxist and communist trope!
    We do not want to become Venezuela or Cuba. I don't think people really understand or know what that means anymore. I feel let down by our media, to the point of not even wanting to watch it unless i am watching something live, but even then they like to cut away from the actual person speaking and tell us what to think of THEIR interpretation of what they said.
    I looked into the election interference stuff ON MY OWN. I found out especially Georgia and some other big areas, Trump indeed told the truth, I actually tried to find out where the lie was, these places admitted the interference and truth in court but the statute of limitations has run out. Before changing the rules, back in 2021, just to say honestly Trump lied( I would not have known they changed the law had I not looked and solely believe what I have been told), or it appears that was the reason, Trump had a right to ask the VP (Pence) to send it back to the states. He and ALL Presidents have an obligation to ensure secure and fair elections. I can't stand the parties republican or democrats and just want a President who cares about and for the people. For too long it seems the presidents are in it just to start wars and make tons of money. The constituents be damned. I did not feel that from the guy I was told to hate, I am an outsider, live a reasonably quiet life and want to not be bothered. There is a lot I disagree with Trump on but I agree with more, there is NO GOOD THING from Kamala because she is a marxist lying to pretend she is centrist. If we adopt rules to do as she plans, to allow even more government control by people who just print money for wars, we have NO PLACE TO RUN TO for a decent life. THIS IS IT!!!

    Do not allow hatred for the ,NOT IN THEIR CLUB, deemed boogie man, by the media and the government, Vs their appointed god insider marxist, whom we will be pushed to vote for if we want to save THEIR democracy and because we are becoming more and more a marxist country.
    I wonder if we're too far gone already?

    We've already lost history lessons, commonsense and deductive reasoning!?

  3. Sevan 1 day ago

    Some of his most incredible BS happened yesterday when he began cutting down Harris for her verbal treatment of Mike Pence !!

    The guy has got balls that scrape the ground !!

    You were going to let the man HANG, remember !!!

  4. Sevan 1 day ago

    He claims all kinds of shi* on a daily basis.

    And actually, he's full of shi* !

  5. The rationale of Trump's claim that he has the right to engage in electoral interference being--?

    (And PLEASE, spare us that "Presidential Immunity" patsy; you're no longer the President, and if legal action ensues, the courts won't buy it as a valid defence. "You know and I know, and I know and you know ...")

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