September 20

This product does not meet California air cleaner regulations

I want an air cleaner. Amazon won't let me buy it. California Air Resources Board (CARB) says it's OK. [more inside]
posted by soylent00FF00 to Law & Government at 5:09 PM - 3 answers

What's up with all the unlicensed queer sex therapists?

I've been looking on Psychologytoday for a new therapist to help with trans/sex issues and I see that a lot of the listed practicioners are unlicensed. [more inside]
posted by Summers to Society & Culture at 2:50 PM - 4 answers

Are there better 3-ring binders out there?

Most 3-ring binders are made roughly the same way, and they all therefore share the same problems. Are there better ones out there, particularly for thinner ones? See below for more details. [more inside]
posted by Mechitar to Shopping at 2:41 PM - 4 answers

Phone Cords for the snowflake

Why are all the charging cords 3 feet long? [more inside]
posted by soelo to Technology at 12:51 PM - 10 answers

Self-worth starting to get tied to job..

How do I untie it? [more inside]
posted by morning_television to Human Relations at 12:38 PM - 8 answers

File naming conventions for various video cameras?

I am starting a project which involves searching for videos on the net titled only with the default name of the video file. For examples, a video on YT or wherever titled, "DSC_0013"; or "IMG2417"; or "DJI_8034". I haven't found a comprehensive source—only piecemeal lists like what's in this Reddit thread—which is helpful, but seems like it could be beefed up. So, how does your brand of video camera/phone/etc name the files that land in its main storage directory? Thanks_0001!
posted by not_on_display to Computers & Internet at 12:36 PM - 3 answers

Take [me] by the hand and lead [me] through the land

I love early Pink Floyd (pre Dark Side) especially long instrumentals like Echoes and Careful with That Axe, Eugene. Based on that, what else might I enjoy? [more inside]
posted by wanderlost to Media & Arts at 12:08 PM - 9 answers

Tell me your experience with a pyrethrin fogger

The Blah household has just been stood up repeatedly by an exterminator who was coming to do a fogger in our attic to get rid of mites (from rats, likely) that are coming into our house and biting us. We've dealt with this before; we know this is mites; we know this treatment works (along with getting rid of the rats). I looked through the paperwork from our last treatment a few years ago and see the company used a pyrethrin fogger to do the job. Is there a reason I can't purchase one and do this myself? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa to Home & Garden at 11:30 AM - 3 answers

On vacation, got a letter from Medicare headquarters. Should I worry?

I have USPS Informed Delivery. The envelope says "Medicare Headquarters" under HHS, and "Official Medicare Business". I called Medicare, and they said they don't see anything in their records, and suggested it was from MedicAid instead. [more inside]
posted by dubious_dude to Law & Government at 10:43 AM - 14 answers

Blow away now

I want to connect a K bottle with (probably) CGA 540 valve to an air blow gun. What kind of gauge/ regulator/ adaptors will I need? [more inside]
posted by porpoise to Grab Bag at 9:42 AM - 0 answers

Messages of support for a woman going through menopause

What sort of positive or at least not overly perky messages would a woman going through perimenopause and/or menopause appreciate hearing? [more inside]
posted by clocksock to Health & Fitness at 9:02 AM - 21 answers

Do you love your wheelbarrow?

I want to buy a wheelbarrow, to give as a gift. Do you work with a really great wheelbarrow? Any recommendations? [more inside]
posted by The corpse in the library to Home & Garden at 8:46 AM - 15 answers

Recommend me a fee-only financial planner for a not-wealthy Seattle mom?

I would love personal recommendations from folks who love their CPA, which may or may not be based in Seattle (or maybe they all work online these days)? Looking to get my shit together, my debt assessed, my savings moving, etc. (Last Q on this topic was from 2019). Thanks in advance!
posted by tristeza to Work & Money at 7:26 AM - 5 answers

It's November in Albania, and I'm burnt out

Please give me your Albania (and Albania-adjacent) recomendations to incorporate into my trip in mid November. Have car, will travel. [more inside]
posted by citands to Travel & Transportation at 5:33 AM - 4 answers

Making Discord (relatively) safe for a younger teen

Our eldest is a keen player of Minecraft (and some other online games). They are 13 and lately have been asking permission to sign up for Discord. It seems to be where most Minecraft chat happens. They also want to use it for voice chat with their friends. Is this a good idea? How can we keep them safe? Is it even possible? [more inside]
posted by JohnnyForeign to Computers & Internet at 4:58 AM - 7 answers

What’s the most basic, average DnD character?

I’m joining a DnD campaign with a bit of a meta setup - we play characters in one real-ish world scenario that then enter a fantasy scenario and can choose a class, race, etc to be in that world within a world. A key trait of my meta character is that they’re super average. What are the most average, basic choices they could make creating a character? Most advice is geared to optimising a character, but this is almost the opposite. If someone’s done a statistical analysis of the most commonly chosen traits that’d be a perfect solution to my problem.
posted by threecheesetrees to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 12:39 AM - 10 answers

Meal delivery service in the Paris suburbs? Or other gift ideas?

A few years ago I had cause to ask a similar question for the UK. Now, sadly, I am looking into options for just outside Paris (93022 to be precise): someplace that delivers yummy, relatively healthy, meals for which I can purchase a gift voucher. [more inside]
posted by rubbish bin night to Grab Bag at 12:12 AM - 1 answer

September 19

I need answers about collection agencies

Due to some crappy insurance and other misunderstandings, I owe two hospitals a chunk of change. They would try to do "monthly payments" of $297 for example. I don't have that. The other hospital and I are having a significant miscommunication about the financial aid I was supposed to receive (longer story yet, but I have the award letter right here). [more inside]
posted by Rumi'sLeftSock to Health & Fitness at 7:33 PM - 4 answers

Media Player Not Playing

My Media Player refuses to play any CD or DVD whatsoever. As I remember it, it worked fine until one night several years ago... and then it just stopped working, and has never worked since. It keeps claiming there's no disc in the drive, though of course there is one. It's not the disc because it refuses to play ANY of my discs. What could be wrong, and how can I fix it?
posted by orange swan to Computers & Internet at 6:52 PM - 11 answers

What’s the status of home Ethernet over Power?

I guess it’s called Powerline Ethernet these days, but in any case is it any good for simple use on the same circuit? How about cross circuit in the same fuse box?
posted by Tell Me No Lies to Computers & Internet at 3:31 PM - 12 answers

Photo to video... the lazy way...

I have a number of photos that I'd like to make into a collage, showing a few at a time. The order really isn't important - just a background type video. Looking at iMovie I can do a few at at time, but no luck otherwise. I figure this is a perfect AI solution - but google keeps way to make an animation from a video, not video of photos. Anyone has any suggestions?
posted by aggienfo to Computers & Internet at 3:22 PM - 1 answer

In search of lost time

Give me books, stories, media, anecdotes, anything, about people who went through a long and protracted period (5 years to decades at least, the longer the better) of severe mental health that caused them to withdraw and isolate from life and society. Topics like dealing with the aftermath, coping with feelings, rebuilding, etc. [more inside]
posted by wanderlost to Health & Fitness at 11:13 AM - 11 answers

Why are all cats rolling onto their backs these days?

I'm 63 and all of my life I had never seen a cat roll onto its back - until about 5 years ago when we got a shelter cat - she was 6 years old - and she rolls onto her back constantly - so we would pet her. Now I look on Instagram and I see so many videos of cats rolling onto their backs. What's going on? [more inside]
posted by memoryindustries to Pets & Animals at 10:42 AM - 36 answers

Fell for air duct cleaning scam. How can I protect myself?

I gave my name, email and address. [more inside]
posted by winterportage to Computers & Internet at 10:06 AM - 7 answers

Contract ended with real estate agent, can we buy the house without them

We were under contract to buy a house. The deal fell through in July. Things have changed; house is still available. Do I still have to use the same buyers agent? Oregon, USA. [more inside]
posted by mygothlaundry to Law & Government at 9:51 AM - 11 answers

Microsoft Word (on Mac) page numbering problem

I'm having a super frustrating situation with Microsoft Word (on a Macbook).My professor distributes his notes in Microsoft Word. The notes for each section are cumulative re. page number: i.e., his week 1 notes are numbered 1-20, his week 2 notes are numbered 21-35, etc. I add to the notes electronically before I print them, which throws his page numbers out of whack. (Say I add five pages of notes to the first week, so that the first week of notes is 1-25; his second week of notes still starts with page 20). Help! [more inside]
posted by ClaireBear to Computers & Internet at 9:32 AM - 5 answers

Simple network/mind mapping tool with color indication for dense hubs?

I'm trying to map a network of users and groups, with the goal of visually differentiating the users who are a part of 1, 2, 3+ groups, such that I can toggle display settings to explore weak/strong ties. It might also be useful to arrange the map such that denser ties are centered, with weak ties placed on the edges. [more inside]
posted by Jack Karaoke to Technology at 9:23 AM - 3 answers

Debt collector or scammer?

Got a call from someone claiming he works for TSI and is collecting a debt my husband owes to the local hospital. Suppose that it’s not the scam I think it is, but actually a real debt, that inadvertently went unpaid—what would be the best thing to do? [more inside]
posted by metonym to Work & Money at 9:09 AM - 14 answers

One of these with one of those...but how?

I need help understanding how to optimize the matching of items for column A with items from column B based on two characteristics. [more inside]
posted by AbelMelveny to Grab Bag at 8:07 AM - 23 answers

Give me your late life job change ideas

I’m an urban dwelling freelance writer in my late 50s. Work is not as steady as I would like and I’m considering, just considering, what I could train to become. [more inside]
posted by gigondas to Work & Money at 7:42 AM - 11 answers

How do I turn down a potential job offer gracefully?

I'm in the hiring process for a job I realized I don't want after three rounds of interviews; there's a practical assessment they've asked me to complete by tomorrow which I could do (it's not hard) but I don't want the job and my anxiety is skyrocketing thinking about how to say no. I would really really appreciate any advice anyone has. [more inside]
posted by an octopus IRL to Work & Money at 7:01 AM - 22 answers

Can I Eat This? Avocado Edition

Y'know how sometimes the inside of an avocado is that icky gray-green color? [more inside]
posted by Thorzdad to Food & Drink at 5:59 AM - 9 answers

Facebook notifications ?

Hi folks; Im using a Acer Chromebook 514. For some reason,my FB log in page doesn't show my notifications any more. I have to log into FB,and then i see the number of notifications I have received. Just to be sure,I have done a hard reset and a power wash on the laptop. I have also checked my FB settings,and looked into the push notifications . Still having same problem. Any advice? Thanks :-)
posted by LOOKING to Computers & Internet at 1:10 AM - 4 answers

September 18

Iron supplements - skip day?

I have an iron deficiency due to excessive periods (working on the problem with my OBGYN). In the meantime, my GP has prescribed some rather potent iron tablets. My friend says that she knows a medical university professor who says his research suggests it's better to take them every two days instead of every day, as it allows the body to absorb it better, and that GPs are usually unaware of this. Is this bogus or is this supported by research?
posted by Omnomnom to Health & Fitness at 11:03 PM - 13 answers

Help me lead a harvest sing along!

I have the privilege of putting together a sing-along with some scout kiddos and the residents of a local nursing home. I need help compiling a song list! [more inside]
posted by I_love_the_rain to Human Relations at 10:40 PM - 13 answers

Putting on one's own oxygen mask first

A friend in East New York (Brooklyn) needs some affordable options for euthanasia for her late husband's cat. Please help us locate some. [more inside]
posted by rabia.elizabeth to Pets & Animals at 10:35 PM - 5 answers

What's the most fun way to travel from Seattle to Vancouver?

In early October, me and my partner are spending a week's vacation split between Seattle and Vancouver, flying into one city and flying out of the next. We're trying to figure out what the best, most fun way to get from Seattle to Vancouver might be. Plan A is to rent a car, but we're not familiar with the route, and don't know what the best attractions might be to see along the way. Any recommendations? Also open to other transportation options, as long as we can get it done in one travel day.
posted by flod to Travel & Transportation at 7:55 PM - 24 answers

Tools for building datasets as I wander through the internet

I often find myself grabbing text off a website and pasting it in a spreadsheet to do quick-and-dirty analysis - for example, making my own table of grants made by a foundation, using pdf annual reports or webpage graphics. I imagine that this need is relevant for tons of professionals - people who do actual research for a living, for sure, but also novelists and lawyers and entrepreneurs. Are there any non-shady*, privacy-oriented, and no-code-necessary tools that folks find useful for this kind of work? [more inside]
posted by rrrrrrrrrt to Technology at 3:38 PM - 12 answers

Finding senior Ruby on Rails development work: holistic advice?

I have 10 years of experience, mostly in Rails. Willing and able to switch tech stacks. Still employed, have been here 5 years. Out of touch with the market, but it sounds pretty bleak. What apps/sites/channels should I look on? What companies should I look at? How do I avoid wasting time? [more inside]
posted by commander_fancypants to Computers & Internet at 3:00 PM - 3 answers

Comcast woes - storm damage

A big storm knocked our internet cable loose. We have scheduled two tech visits that were no-shows. Internet is still working, worried about big storms this weekend and worried about cable coming all the way loose. [more inside]
posted by Frowner to Computers & Internet at 2:15 PM - 6 answers

Trivia team name: Florida edition

Help me come up with a trivia team name for four Floridians [more inside]
posted by saladin to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 1:52 PM - 26 answers

Mailchimp, but not for marketing

I'm rebuilding an organization's PR material about an ongoing academic project. There are Mailchimp "lessons" out there, but all the ones I've found are tightly focused on marketing. I need something more fundamental. [more inside]
posted by zadcat to Computers & Internet at 1:18 PM - 2 answers

Yes I'm making a pride flag in the community garden

I want 2 each of gladiolus bulbs in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, fuschia, and purple. [more inside]
posted by blnkfrnk to Home & Garden at 11:19 AM - 7 answers

How to prevent my Pixel phone from turning on screen display?

I have a Pixel 8 phone. It defaults to my screen saver (black, with big digital clock, but this is irrelevant), BUT whenever the phone moves, like, even getting jostled in my purse when I walk, the home screen appears. [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster to Technology at 10:58 AM - 6 answers

Things a 16yo American gamer would enjoy doing in Japan?

Our family has a practice of doing a parent-child international trip with our kids when they turn 16. Next year is my son's turn, and he's chosen to go to Japan. I've never been there and could use some advice. [more inside]
posted by Pater Aletheias to Travel & Transportation at 9:48 AM - 19 answers

Hypermobility: How to protect your shoulders while sleeping?

I could really use some help to figure out how to position my arms while sleeping. It seems that no matter what I do, I'm causing myself pain and damage. [more inside]
posted by kitcat to Health & Fitness at 8:33 AM - 10 answers

External storage for family videos

Hi there, for Christmas I would like to give my parents something (external hard drive??) to which they can add videos of their grandkids. [more inside]
posted by Emmy Rae to Computers & Internet at 7:15 AM - 10 answers

Use for peach caramel pie goo?

Do you know how to make this thick liquid into a pudding, mousse, or something else good? [more inside]
posted by daisyace to Food & Drink at 6:57 AM - 7 answers

Meeting a long lost relative

In the coming days we'll meet a relative we previously didn't know existed. I want to help them feel welcome without overwhelming them. Have you navigated this process? What worked and what do you wish you had done differently? Looking for anecdata from both sides of the equation. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Human Relations at 6:39 AM - 6 answers

What did I see from the train in Japan?

On the Shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka on the mountain side of the train I saw a really unusual structure/building sitting in a field seemingly in the middle of nowhere. The structure itself looked like a skyscraper sized slice of a melon, crescent shaped and completely black in color, and sitting on a large base. What is that? [more inside]
posted by Stanczyk to Travel & Transportation at 6:31 AM - 7 answers

A career change? In *this* economy??

Hello hivemind, I'm trying to navigate a multi-part career change (journalism --> ??? --> tech), but I'm facing strong headwinds and need to make a lot of tacks to get there. I could really use some advice. [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Work & Money at 4:55 AM - 24 answers

I need a good and regular NFL weekend recap column to follow

I'm not interested in following the endless churnalism of sports news because ain't nobody got time for that but I'd like to follow a regular weekend in NFL football column by a decent writer. All the ones I used to follow have either been laid off or retired. Any recommendations? Preferably not behind a paywall.
posted by srboisvert to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation at 4:30 AM - 7 answers

What's this old space game?

My husband is trying to find an old space game he used to play on PC in the early 2000s. [more inside]
posted by freethefeet to Media & Arts at 3:56 AM - 11 answers

How to scrape audio from a course platform/LMS to a personal podcast?

I'm currently doing some extended online training which uses an unwieldy browser-based LMS to deliver all the course material. I'd like to somehow scrape the audio from all the material here and create my own personal private podcast that I can access from my own mobile podcast player. What would be the most efficient way to do this? [more inside]
posted by LongDrive to Computers & Internet at 1:48 AM - 7 answers

September 17

Where to buy a small piece of space?

The birthday of someone near and dear to me fast approaches. This person is totally fascinated by the moon and outer space in general but not in a science nerd sort of way. More of a dreamy “if-I-could-only-get-there-wow-how-beautiful” kind of way. I’ve already gotten him a copy of Cosmicomics, but I would also like to get some authentic meteorite dust/a small piece of meteorite if it is at all possible to acquire something like this legally and for under $200 ish. [more inside]
posted by leafmealone to Science & Nature at 7:02 PM - 9 answers

Gift to grease the wheels at property management company?

I just moved into a new house (as a renter) where many of the appliances ideally should be replaced. Some of them are in dire condition (dishwasher racks rusted through) and some of them (oven, washer, dryer) are just quite old and dirty. [more inside]
posted by danceswithlight to Human Relations at 6:21 PM - 19 answers

Rent in Sarajevo to go to Montenegro

We're planning on renting a car in Sarajevo and driving into Montenegro, maybe Albania and Macedonia. a) What rental company is more trustworthy and b) will we have any trouble or need anything special to cross the borders c) anything else we should know? [more inside]
posted by signal to Travel & Transportation at 4:04 PM - 3 answers

Political ads and Attack ads - Best ones in recent memory?

What are the most memorable political commercials and attack ads? [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne to Law & Government at 3:44 PM - 17 answers

School Library Very Detailed Scope and Sequence?

Does anyone know about a very complete webpage from a public school library in America? [more inside]
posted by bookworm4125 to Education at 3:26 PM - 0 answers

2015 Outback won't "remember" last audio source on start-up

Over the weekend, I went to start my 2015 Outback (2.5i Limited if it matters) and got the error message that the steering wheel was locked. Gave it a jiggle back and forth and was able to get it to release and working as normal. But, since then every time I start my vehicle, it prompts me to select my audio source (rather than defaulting to what was used the last time the car was running). [more inside]
posted by Twicketface to Technology at 3:15 PM - 4 answers