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How To Fix Your Rib Cage Flare Posture And Look Instantly Slimmer | Digg

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How To Fix Your Rib Cage Flare Posture And Look Instantly Slimmer

How To Fix Your Rib Cage Flare Posture And Look Instantly Slimmer
All you'll need is a pillow and you can do it sitting down..
· 9.9k reads ·
· ·

To tackle rib cage flare, begin by just focusing on your breathing. Take a slow, deep breath out for five to 10 seconds, feeling your side muscles tighten a bit along the way. Then, breathe in slowly through your nose, paying close attention to the back of your body expanding. Now, grab a pillow and use it to help you focus on expanding your back, not just the front where you're rib cage posture is flaring up. With time and practice, you should start to notice improvements in how you stand after just 10 breaths.

Via conor_harris_.


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