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And I'm <strong>s</strong>imply thrilled my deputy, Joel Kaplan, will now become Meta’<strong>s</strong> Chief Global Affair<strong>s</strong> Officer. Over the year<strong>s</strong> that we have worked together, we have become good friend<strong>s</strong> a<strong>s</strong> well a<strong>s</strong> clo<strong>s</strong>e colleague<strong>s</strong> – I've laughed with, a<strong>s</strong> well a<strong>s</strong> learned from, Joel in equal mea<strong>s</strong>ure. He i<strong>s</strong> quite clearly the right per<strong>s</strong>on for the right job at the right time! I much look forward to <strong>s</strong>pending the next few month<strong>s</strong> handing over the rein<strong>s</strong> to Joel before leaving Meta after <strong>s</strong>o many enjoyable year<strong>s</strong> at the company. 4/4