Simply put, there is a *ton* of fascist-chic cosplay involved
April 27, 2024 12:12 PM   Subscribe

Balaji, a 43-year-old Long Island native who goes by his first name, has a solid Valley pedigree: He earned multiple degrees from Stanford University, founded multiple startups, became a partner at Andreessen-Horowitz and then served as chief technology officer at Coinbase. He is also the leader of a cultish and increasingly strident neo-reactionary tech political movement that sees American democracy as an enemy. In 2013, a New York Times story headlined “Silicon Valley Roused by Secession Call” described a speech in which he “told a group of young entrepreneurs that the United States had become ‘the Microsoft of nations’: outdated and obsolescent.” [...] “What I’m really calling for is something like tech Zionism,” he said [last October], after comparing his movement to those started by the biblical Abraham, Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith (founder of Mormonism), Theodor Herzl (“spiritual father” of the state of Israel), and Lee Kuan Yew (former authoritarian ruler of Singapore). Balaji then revealed his shocking ideas for a tech-governed city where citizens loyal to tech companies would form a new political tribe clad in gray t-shirts.
TNR: The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco: "If Balaji Srinivasan is any guide, then the Silicon Valley plutocrats are definitely not okay."

The dystopian dream continues:
The Grays’ shirts would feature “Bitcoin or Elon or other kinds of logos … ” [...] Grays would also receive special ID cards providing access to exclusive, Gray-controlled sectors of the city. [...]

In exchange for extra food and jobs, cops would pledge loyalty to the Grays. Srinivasan recommends asking officers a series of questions to ascertain their political leanings. For example: “Did you want to take the sign off of Elon’s building?”

Once an officer joins the Grays, they get a special uniform designed by their tech overlords. The Grays will also donate heavily to police charities and “merge the Gray and police social networks.” Then, in a show of force, they’ll march through the city together. [...]

“You have the A.I. Flying Spaghetti Monster. You have the Bitcoin parade. You have the drones flying overhead in formation.... You have bubbling genetic experiments on beakers.… You have the police at the Gray Pride parade. They’re flying the Anduril drones …” [...]

Those who try to downplay Balaji’s importance in Silicon Valley often portray him as a “clown.” But Donald Trump taught us that clowns can be dangerous, especially those with proximity to influence and power. In the nearly 11 years since his secession speech at Y Combinator, Balaji’s politics have become even more stridently authoritarian and extremist, yet he remains a celebrated figure in key circles.
The piece goes on to recount Srinivasan's association with such SV influencers as Tim Farriss, Lex Fridman, Alex Lieberman, and most concerningly YCombinator CEO Garry Tan, who has himself embarked on an increasingly abrasive political war for control of San Francisco -- a war the NY Times, for one, has been happy to whitewash.

Vanity Fair: Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets
The podcasters, bro-ish anonymous Twitter posters, online philosophers, artists, and amorphous scenesters in this world are variously known as “dissidents,” “neo-reactionaries,” “post-leftists,” or the “heterodox” fringe—though they’re all often grouped for convenience under the heading of America’s New Right. They have a wildly diverse set of political backgrounds, with influences ranging from 17th-century Jacobite royalists to Marxist cultural critics to so-called reactionary feminists to the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, whom they sometimes refer to with semi-ironic affection as Uncle Ted. Which is to say that this New Right is not a part of the conservative movement as most people in America would understand it. It’s better described as a tangled set of frameworks for critiquing the systems of power and propaganda that most people reading this probably think of as “the way the world is.” And one point shapes all of it: It is a project to overthrow the thrust of progress, at least such as liberals understand the word.
Politico: Is There Something More Radical than MAGA? J.D. Vance Is Dreaming It.
Vance’s other critical political connection — and his primary political patron — can be found 3,000 miles to the west of Washington in Los Angeles. In recent years, Peter Thiel, whose venture capital firm Vance worked for before running for Senate, has become the chief financier of the New Right ecosystem. And Thiel’s idiosyncratic brand of techno-libertarianism — which combines an abiding skepticism of liberal democracy with a belief in national restoration through utopian modes of technological innovation — has become a touchstone of intellectual discussions on the New Right.
The Enigma of Peter Thiel
In his biography of Thiel, The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power, Max Chafkin writes, “The Thiel ideology is complicated and, in parts, self-contradictory, and will take many of the pages that follow to explore, but it combines an obsession with technological progress with nationalist politics—a politics that at times has seemingly flirted with white supremacy.” Let’s see, we’ve go some futurism, nationalism, maybe a little bit of racism here and there…hmm, what does that all add up to? What a mystery this guy is! [...]

He combines the ideology of white collar, petit-bourgeois intermediary class with its emphases direct management techniques and closely-held ownership with the grandiose, world-spanning designs of an industrial titan. There’s really no contradiction within Peter Thiel’s politics, they are quite consistent: he’s just realized, more clearly than his opponents often, that there’s ultimately a contradiction between the rule of capital and democracy, and the way to deal with this contradiction, as far as he’s concerned, is to do away with democracy.
Thiel and allies claim to have turned against Trump and political advocacy more broadly -- for now, to focus on such noble pursuits as an all-steroid Olympics -- but the anti-democratic impulse continues to spread through the halls of power in the Valley.
posted by Rhaomi (33 comments total) 24 users marked this as a favorite
Christ, what assholes.
posted by Wild_Eep at 12:15 PM on April 27 [28 favorites]

i await the cleansing fire
posted by lalochezia at 12:20 PM on April 27 [7 favorites]

Ah, purists. They never learn...
posted by jim in austin at 12:29 PM on April 27

Checking… yup, went to Stanford. Clearly, anyone who matriculates at Stanford needs… well, something.
posted by GenjiandProust at 12:35 PM on April 27 [1 favorite]

i await the cleansing fire

Be the change you want to see in the world.
posted by The Manwich Horror at 12:40 PM on April 27 [6 favorites]

It's a mark of the laser-like precision of Tech Bros' perspicacity that they always see themselves as the solution to all our problems, rather than as they are - a product of the festering mess, albeit a product that's become so toxic and predatory that they floated to the top of the ruins, the better to perpetuate the poison.

The amount of good we could achieve by jettisoning them is incalculable, even by their billion dollar can't-do-math AI bullshit. But here they are, pouring more pus into the collective wound, as if that's what visionary means
posted by onebuttonmonkey at 12:43 PM on April 27 [4 favorites]

i await the cleansing fire

i'd be happy just making these fuckers pay their taxes
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 12:44 PM on April 27 [46 favorites]

"Man of Indian descent, man of Chinese descent and unwillingly-outed gay man allying themselves with the extreme right in well-thought-out scheme" reads like a modern version of an old Onion headline.
posted by mhoye at 12:48 PM on April 27 [34 favorites]

i'd be happy just making these fuckers pay their taxes

That and the apocalypse would cause them roughly the same degree of alarm.
posted by Artw at 12:50 PM on April 27 [3 favorites]

this is evil and toxic in so many ways but jhmfc!!!! these people are captains of industry! gray t-shirts????? ugh.
posted by supermedusa at 12:57 PM on April 27 [1 favorite]

Maybe they need more humanities classes at Stanford.
posted by chasing at 12:57 PM on April 27 [17 favorites]

Suburban man babies that would quickly be murdered in the world they’re imagining. It’s hard to imagine US tech culture getting any more stupid.
posted by ryanshepard at 12:58 PM on April 27 [7 favorites]

South African Gentile National Socialist Movement - Wikipedia
Greyshirts or Gryshemde is the common short-form name given to the South African Gentile National Socialist Movement, a South African Nazi movement that existed during the 1930s and 1940s. Initially referring only to a paramilitary group, it soon became shorthand for the movement as a whole.
posted by ChurchHatesTucker at 1:03 PM on April 27 [10 favorites]

It’s hard to imagine US tech culture getting any more stupid.

Oh you of poor imagination and vision! Reality will continue to relieve us all from the burden of trying to imagine how far the stupidity and malevolence can go
posted by treepour at 1:05 PM on April 27 [3 favorites]

I just wonder if he wants artillery.
posted by clavdivs at 1:08 PM on April 27

These people don't really have utopia in mind, and they don't have any particular morality or politics or ethics that are consistent or even thought-out. They just don't want to pay taxes. That's all that underlies the fascist posturing. It's so fucking pathetic.
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 1:10 PM on April 27 [21 favorites]

futurism, nationalism, maybe a little bit of racism here and there

Also stimulants. Don't forget the stimulants.
posted by credulous at 1:38 PM on April 27 [7 favorites]

They just don't want to pay taxes

Oh I don’t know. I expect they want to not pay for ANYTHING on top of not paying taxes, have the state back that desire with force and to be congratulated as the cleverest and most beneficial figures in world history.

Also it should be illegal to make fun of them.
posted by Artw at 1:40 PM on April 27 [12 favorites]

Proposing a fascist paramilitary organization called the “Gray Shirts” is so on-the-nose I would almost think it’s intentional self-parody except I’m pretty sure none of these tech “geniuses” have ever read a history book in their life (and are weirdly proud of that).
posted by star gentle uterus at 2:02 PM on April 27 [8 favorites]

Balaji is the extreme version of a certain kind of clownish VC behavior. But he's far from alone. Last year Anil Dash wrote a good piece on how so many of the leaders of our industry are not OK. "VC qanon" and the radicalization of the tech tycoons.
posted by Nelson at 2:12 PM on April 27 [4 favorites]

Went back and re-read SSC's "I can tolerate anything but the outgroup" essay from 2014. Yep it's still stupid as fuck. Tribal thinking is such mind poison.
posted by fleacircus at 2:15 PM on April 27 [2 favorites]

This is an outgrowth and continuation of the whole awful "Dark Enlightenment" crap that's been bouncing around the tech bros for a while now.

The tl;dr on the whole thing is pretty simple: democracy sucks, bring back monarchy and aristocracy, some of them are religious and want official kings crowned by religious leaders who are then defenders of the faith.

Way back in 2017 Elizabeth Sandifer wrote "Neoreaction a Basilisk: Essays on and Around the Alt-Right" and it remains timely after all these years. Balaji is nothing new, he'd doubtless be deeply offended that I say so, but he's just the latest in a long chain of rich right wing types who think that democracy sucks and it'd be so much better if only they were in charge and no one could disagree with them.

I hope he will soon fade back into obscurity as all the supposed "thought leaders" of this crap do. But one day, one of them might actually catch on and that terrifies me.
posted by sotonohito at 2:16 PM on April 27 [10 favorites]

Neal Stephenson should sue these guys for copyright infringement.
posted by adamrice at 2:27 PM on April 27 [10 favorites]

I expect they want to not pay for ANYTHING on top of not paying taxes

Even the pull quotes in this FPP refute this, as they talk about how the techbros are going to bribe cops with "extra food and jobs" to do their bidding.

They are entirely willing to pay taxes and fees, for anything they deem necessary. It's their complete selfishness that is overwhelming. They want to only pay for things that benefit THEM, and never give a dime to anyone else who isn't a member of THEM. Taxes are repugnant because a mother with children and no job might get a free meal. But bribing police to do their bidding, that's just a cost of doing business.
posted by hippybear at 2:29 PM on April 27 [4 favorites]

Bribing the cops is the city-scale version of "when I have my apocalypse-survival bunker, how will I keep my security from revolting against me?"
posted by rmd1023 at 2:38 PM on April 27 [11 favorites]

Sure, but it's still the equivalent of being taxed to pay for law enforcement.
posted by hippybear at 3:11 PM on April 27

The self-satisfied mention of “gray pride” makes me want to throw up fists into his smug face.
posted by UltraMorgnus at 3:42 PM on April 27 [6 favorites]

You can draw a straight line from these buffoons to the ideological meltdown at OpenAI earlier this year. Someone is clearly spiking the free sodas.
posted by simra at 3:48 PM on April 27

“Hi, I am as successful in this one specific thing therefore I must be a visionary genius and will succeed at anything I do!”
posted by misterpatrick at 4:15 PM on April 27 [1 favorite]

[Strine intensifies] would you just get a fucken load of this arsehole
posted by Fiasco da Gama at 4:55 PM on April 27 [2 favorites]

Read Palo Alto by Malcolm Harris. His history of Silicon Valley shows the roots of this thinking back to the 1840’s here in California.
posted by njohnson23 at 4:59 PM on April 27

My new startup is going to be crowd funding the production and distribution of guillotines.
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts at 5:32 PM on April 27

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