This is a cache of It is a snapshot of the page at 2024-09-28T00:07:48.989+0000.
General Configuration


General Configuration


On this administration page, you can manage the settings of Fess. You can change various settings of Fess without restarting it.


Management Operations


JSON Response

Specify whether to enable the JSON API.

Login Required

Specify whether to require login for search functionality.

Similar Result Collapsed

Specify whether to enable collapsing of duplicate results.

Thumbnail View

Specify whether to enable thumbnail display.

Default Label Value

Specify the default label value to add to search conditions. If specified on a per-role or per-group basis, add role: or group: respectively, e.g., role:admin=label1.

Default Sort Value

Specify the default sort value to add to search conditions. If specified on a per-role or per-group basis, add role: or group: respectively, e.g., role:admin=content_length.desc.

Virtual Host

Specify the virtual host. For details, see :doc:the virtual host section of the configuration guide <../config/virtual-host>.

Encoding for CSV

Specify the encoding of the CSV file to be downloaded.

Append Params to URL

Enable to pass parameters to the search result display.

Notification Email

Specify the email address to notify when crawling is complete. Multiple addresses can be specified separated by commas. A mail server is required to use this feature.


check Last Modified

Enable to perform a differential crawl.

Simultaneous Crawler Config

Specify the number of crawl settings to execute simultaneously.

Remove Documents Before

Specify the number of days after the index to keep documents.

Excluded Failure Type

Specify the exception names, etc., which are excluded from being crawled as URLs with failures exceeding the threshold.

Failure Count Threshold

If the number of failures recorded as URLs exceeds the number specified here for documents targeted for crawling, they will be excluded from the next crawl.


Search Logging

Specify whether to enable the recording of search logs.

User Logging

Specify whether to enable the recording of user logs.

Favorite Logging

Specify whether to enable the recording of favorite logs.

Purge Search Log Before

Delete search logs older than the specified number of days.

Purge Job Log Before

Delete job logs older than the specified number of days.

Purge User Before

Delete user logs older than the specified number of days.

Here’s the translation:

Bots Name For Purge

Specify bot names to exclude from search logs.

Log Level

Specify the log level for fess.log.


Suggest from Search Words

Specify whether to generate suggestion candidates from search logs.

Suggest from Documents

Specify whether to generate suggestion candidates from indexed documents.

Purge Suggest Documents Before

Delete suggest data from the specified number of days ago.



Specify the URL of the LDAP server.

Base DN

Specify the base distinguished name for logging in to the search page.

Bind DN

Specify the administrator’s bind DN.


Specify the password for the Bind DN.

User DN

Specify the distinguished name of the user.

Account Filter

Specify the user’s common name or uid.

Group Filter

Specify the filter condition for the groups to be acquired.

memberOf Attribute

Specify the memberOf attribute name available on the LDAP server. For Active Directory, it’s “memberOf”. For other LDAP servers, it might be “isMemberOf”.


Login Page

Enter the message to be displayed on the login page.

Search Top Page

Enter the message to be displayed on the search top page.


LDAP Configuration

LDAP/Active Directory Configuration
Name Value (LDAP) Value (Active Directory)
Base DN cn=Directory Manager dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
Bind DN uid=%s,ou=People,dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
User DN uid=%s,ou=People,dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
Account Filter cn=%s or uid=%s (&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))
Group Filter (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)
memberOf isMemberOf memberOf