March 11

Allergies to germs

"Mum, are there some people allergic to germs?" [more inside]
posted by freethefeet to Health & Fitness at 5:22 PM - 0 answers

Window opened overnight, eye pain today

I live in a major city in a highrise apartment. I opened my window for fresh air, and forgot to close it overnight. This morning, I woke up with eye pain — a continually nagging feeling like there's something stuck in my eye. [more inside]
posted by thoughtful_analyst to Health & Fitness at 2:27 PM - 6 answers

Physically stuck washing machine

How do I get a stuck washing machine back into a narrow space when there's limited room for manoeuvre and I can't see what is sticking it? [more inside]
posted by Flitcraft to Home & garden at 1:15 PM - 10 answers

Non-Disney Orlando Trip with Kids

I'm heading to the Orlando area for one week later this month with kids (age 4 and 6) and some older adults (age 65+) . Where can we go that is not a theme park? [more inside]
posted by stripesandplaid to Travel & Transportation at 12:38 PM - 2 answers

How much bigger than graham’s Number is TREE(3)?

They say the latter “dwarfs” the former, but I don’t know how to interpret that. Would a nested g(g(…g(x))) function filling every Planck volume in the observable universe even be in the ballpark? On a logarithmic scale of increasing enormity, is graham’s number closer to 1 than it is to TREE(3)? Is it practically indistinguishable from 1? Is TREE(3), like, a whole different strata of reality?
posted by Lemkin to Science & Nature at 12:23 PM - 3 answers

What is your couch cleaning routine?

How do you keep your couch clean, as in, what are your light cleaning and deep cleaning regimens for your couch, and how often do you do them? Difficulty level: two cats. [more inside]
posted by kensington314 to Home & garden at 12:13 PM - 9 answers

Would it be realistic for me to move away from my hometown?

I’m 32. Newly single and not looking for love. I’m looking to create the life I have dreamt of. Mostly I just want to be away from my hometown and al line pain associated with it. I know I can’t run from myself but I think getting away and more near nature and starting over would be good for me. I just got a new job. Can I make my dream to move away happen in 1-2 years? [more inside]
posted by anon1129 to Work & Money at 11:26 AM - 17 answers

Anguished voice dubbing? (mainly for Spanish or german speakers)

I have noticed that voice actors in Spain and in germany use what I describe as an "anguished" manner of speaking. Why is this, how did it originate? Does it exist in any other languages? [more inside]
posted by sefsl to Media & Arts at 10:33 AM - 3 answers

There's no ethical beer drinking under capitalism...

...or how to Buy Beer in the Bad Place. I like to drink my Preferred Beer, and would like to buy it in the least environmentally harmful container. It comes in bottles and cans, for roughly the same price per oz. It is better for the environment to buy glass or aluminum? I imagine glass, because sand is probably way easier to extract from the earth than mining, refining and smelting aluminum? But I also have heard that recycling glass is more expensive (and maybe takes more energy?) than making new glass? [more inside]
posted by grandysaur to grab Bag at 8:40 AM - 13 answers

I hate PPT

I want to distort a font so it is expanded by 150%. Is there a place to manually set that? This is different than letterspacing. I see where to do that but this is to distort the letterforms/characters. Although I'd rather select a font that is extended, I am forced to use standard fonts that my client has pre-installed on their PCs. I am working on a Mac – PPT v.16.94
posted by pmaxwell to Computers & Internet at 8:12 AM - 14 answers

London hotels and neighborhoods for summer travel

I am vacationing in London during the summer and am feeling overwhelmed by all the lodging options! Can you suggest either specific properties or general area where I can focus my search, with my specific parameters? Looking for hotels only, not vacation rentals. [more inside]
posted by Admiral Haddock to Travel & Transportation at 5:27 AM - 11 answers

March 10

It's not half.

Please help me locate the most definitive resource to fill in the blanks: "In the last US election, Trump received ___M votes, which represents ___% of all registered voters in 2024, and is ___% of the total US population." [more inside]
posted by AnOrigamiLife to Law & government at 9:42 PM - 6 answers

"Late Bloomer" queer dating resources

I'm looking for book recommendations about coming out later in life - less so the internal identity grappling, more so a guide to navigating romantic relationships post-compulsive-heteronormativity. Basically a dating FAQ for people who aren't straight, but figured it out as adults. [more inside]
posted by seemoorglass to Human Relations at 7:39 PM - 7 answers

What was the weather like this week, last year?

I need to be able to get a sense of what the weather was like, this week, last year. I need to be able to look up major Canadian cities. [more inside]
posted by walkinginsunshine to Science & Nature at 4:56 PM - 5 answers

I need to make a thin wire vibrate

I'm trying to reproducing Alvin Lucier's "Long Thin Wire" setup (related):
  • sine wave at line level into power amplifier, with speaker terminal A connected to end A of a ferreous wire of, say, 2 meters, terminal B to wire end B.
  • That wire should vibrate, reproducing the sine wave that is being played into the amp.
  • It will run between poles of a strong magnet, creating sonically interesting artifacts
  • Practical questions below the fold.
[more inside]
posted by working_objects to Technology at 2:49 PM - 7 answers

Hey, how's it sewing?

I started sewing a couple months ago, I've made a few things and I like it, and now I want to accessorize. If you are a sewer (um ew, is it sewist??), what are your favorite/must-have tools? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee to grab Bag at 11:02 AM - 46 answers

How to get over emetophobia ASAP

I've always had emetophobia, but I've made some pretty significant strides in overcoming it. My parent recently had to have surgery, and they're dealing with vomiting as a post-op complication. I've come home to help them recover, and I'm struggling. I'm feeling like an adequate child, and also like this phobia has left me ill equipt to care for any of my loved ones in the future. Can you help me not spiral into a pit of dispair? Some gross stuff inside. [more inside]
posted by malum geminae to Health & Fitness at 10:41 AM - 19 answers

Books/Articles about defectors who secretly escaped their countries

I'm trying to find nonfiction books about people who defected from their home (or host) countries without that country's knowledge. [more inside]
posted by Elle_Dee to Media & Arts at 9:16 AM - 15 answers

Can I eat it: half-thawed chili

I took a ziplock of frozen chili from the freezer, let it half-thaw, changed my mind, and stuck it back in the freezer. Can I thaw it and eat it now?
posted by Ollie to Food & Drink at 5:14 AM - 12 answers

March 9

Futuristic 1990s Disney towns besides EPCOT

Circa 1995, when I was a child, I read something about a community in Florida which was built by Disney, with futuristic design a la EPCOT, but which was distinct from EPCOT inasmuch as my memory recalls this place being an actual residential area rather than a theme park model of a city. Anyone else remember this and can help me remember what it's actually called/where there are information sources about it? [more inside]
posted by Whale Oil to Society & Culture at 7:59 PM - 10 answers

Caribbean Cruiser Curious concerning Cash.....

Most tips are included, but how much cash do you generally bring for excursions and your room steward, etc? [more inside]
posted by annieb to Travel & Transportation at 4:56 PM - 5 answers

Cool paving stones for a garden path

My wife came across a picture of cat-shaped tessellating paving tiles on social media and would love something similar for our backyard. From some quick research, it seems those tiles are a recycling initiative by a Korean firm. So, it's exceedingly unlikely we could get them in Canada. Looking for leads on anything similar. (See this blog post with a photo) [more inside]
posted by ersatzhuman to Home & garden at 4:09 PM - 8 answers

gamers and Sony WEgA TVs

Awhile back I heard that some gamers really like the old Sony WEgA TVs for their gaming system. I have a 32" Sony trinitron WEgA TV that I would like to get rid of. So, is it true certain gamers want them? If yes, how can I find these gamers? [more inside]
posted by a humble nudibranch to Technology at 3:53 PM - 11 answers

Nice microphone to record my songs as I walk around?

My final product will be TikTok-type videos. [more inside]
posted by DMelanogaster to Media & Arts at 12:21 PM - 11 answers

Free, permanent QR code generator?

I created a whole bunch of QR codes using The codes were meant to be be permanent (they are affixed in the landscape.) I clearly failed to read the fine print because after 2 weeks I discovered they no longer work and I'm being asked to pay 8 EUR / month to keep them going. I was an idiot. Anyway, are there free QR code generators out there? Ones that simply encode my URL and last forever? [more inside]
posted by snarfois to Computers & Internet at 11:23 AM - 17 answers

Which European cities have the least stressful airports?

Travel advice for someone who panicks in airports [more inside]
posted by winterportage to Travel & Transportation at 10:36 AM - 37 answers


What are the odds of 3 people in a randomly selected group of 50 having the same birthday?
posted by Lemkin to Science & Nature at 9:59 AM - 28 answers

What to do in Orlando -- no theme parks, popular museums etc.

I'll be in Orlando, Fl. for a week sometime in the next couple months for a work trip. I may have some obligations in the evening occasionally but will largely have my run of things. Staying out by Disney World, will have a rental car. I'm 30s, active, gay woman. I'll be bringing running shoes. No interest in theme parks, tourist traps, etc. What should I do? [more inside]
posted by vocativecase to Travel & Transportation at 9:09 AM - 11 answers

ELI5 how peri/menopause and cardiovascular disease interact?

And how HRT plays into things? Estrogen is protective right? How and why? ELI5 level sources would be appreciated. [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock to Health & Fitness at 9:00 AM - 5 answers

good sources for news about Chile and Argentina?

In preparation for a trip to Argentina and Chile, I'd like to start following the news. What's a good, English-language source for headlines? I'm not going to become an expert but I want to have nodding familiarity with the big names and issues.
posted by The corpse in the library to Media & Arts at 8:53 AM - 2 answers

Share your con-artist theives’ cant with me

Do you know any con-artist theives’ cant? Or resources for it? Like, at the end of Heist, when gene Hackman says the plan was “cute as a Chinese baby,” and this clearly means something significant to Rebecca Pidgeon’s character, but the actual meaning goes over the audiences head. [more inside]
posted by Hoenikker to Writing & Language at 8:14 AM - 13 answers

Need help dealing with problems on my Macbook

I have two problems with my Macbook that I can’t solve. [more inside]
posted by mydonkeybenjamin to Computers & Internet at 5:22 AM - 4 answers

March 8

TOKYO: Mostly Hotel Advice/Suggestions (some TTD bonus stuff)

I have to go to Tokyo soon, and I’m stressed about making a hotel reservation. So I’ve been procrastinating, which causes me more stress. gotta love those negative infinity loops our brains can do so well, amirite?! If you might be able to help me out, please click inside for pertinent details and a side sprinkling of yuki. Also, tips on potential activities I’m interested in are welcomed. [more inside]
posted by concinnity to Travel & Transportation at 9:28 PM - 6 answers

I have a toilet in my basement. I don't like where it is.

I have a bathroom in the basement of my house. In times of leisure, I imagine redoing this bathroom so it is nicer. A nicer bathroom wouldn't have the toilet where it is, and would have it in a tiny separate (but close) room instead. How much of a pain in the ass is it to move a basement toilet? [more inside]
posted by Vatnesine to Home & garden at 9:02 PM - 11 answers

What's better for slow motion video, upscaling, or time stretching?

OK, so I got a DJI Osmo Pocket 3, specifically for a project where I want nice-looking super-slow-motion footage. My ideal would be 4K/240fps. Unfortunately, the Pocket 3 can only do either 4K/120fps or 1080p/240fps. I’m mulling the idea of either upscaling the resolution or stretching out the frames per second. All things being equal, which of these solutions would look better?
posted by flod to Media & Arts at 7:08 PM - 4 answers

Should I be backing up iPhone to iCloud?

Let's say I'm traveling solo for a couple of weeks. My phone completely dies or is lost forever. If I can get to an Apple Store and/or T-mobile, how would they get me set up with a new phone that replaces the old one? I currently don't back up my iPhone to iCloud, but should I be doing this to have peace of mind for the scenario mentioned above? Is there another plan that is better? [more inside]
posted by oxisos to Computers & Internet at 6:56 PM - 6 answers

Chord for flash drive to android phone

I want to free up space on my moto android phone. [more inside]
posted by Czjewel to Computers & Internet at 3:58 PM - 5 answers

From A Room Full Of Newspapers In Boxes To A Bound And Digitized Archive

Librarians & Project Managers of MetaFilter: do you have any words of wisdom for us? I work for a publication that publishes on newsprint. We have a room full of newspapers and we are finally about to embark on an ambitious sorting, scanning and archiving project. newsprint hoard snowflakes inside. [more inside]
posted by wowenthusiast to Media & Arts at 12:50 PM - 5 answers

Help me, uh, overthink

I eat a lot of beans and like to treat myself to premium and/or unusual dried beans from time to time. What are your favorite fancy beans? [more inside]
posted by pullayup to Food & Drink at 11:44 AM - 15 answers

How do you support your kid's relationships with family?

How do you support your kid's relationships with family? [more inside]
posted by anonymous to Society & Culture at 11:11 AM - 14 answers

Is it redundant to say "period of time?"

The sentence is "...but in many circumstances psych patients can stay in the emergency department for a prolonged period of time." Can't i just say "prolonged period" without losing anything? Thanks!
posted by BadgerDoctor to Writing & Language at 10:50 AM - 27 answers

Online doc for male hair loss

[Asking for a friend] Have you used an online doc/telehealth service for male hair loss meds, like Hims or another provider? How's is the service working for you? [more inside]
posted by BlahLaLa to Health & Fitness at 10:21 AM - 1 answer

Where can I find these cool drinking glasses?

I looked and looked - now need some assist with this search. Sorry for the screenshot but where can i find these exactly? Thanks in advance!
posted by watercarrier to Home & garden at 10:05 AM - 9 answers

How worried do I need to be about potter’s lung?

I am a high school art teacher, and I’ve recently moved to an inner-city school. I’m stationed in a ceramics classroom that has not been properly cleaned in many, many years. How do I get and keep this space cleaned? [more inside]
posted by figaro to grab Bag at 5:35 AM - 11 answers

Orthotic to prevent jaw clenching compatible with Invisalign?

Is there some kind of special night-guard that will *prevent* jaw clenching? I have the Invisalign night-guards, which I now have to wear to keep the teeth from moving, and they also prevent damage to the teeth from the grinding. But what I would like is to NOT CLENCH. [more inside]
posted by Ollie to Health & Fitness at 3:46 AM - 14 answers

March 7

Denazification and Second American Reconstruction

Providing that the USA is able to get out of its slide into authoritarianism -- what might be done to prevent such slides in the future?
posted by NotLost to Law & government at 9:32 PM - 24 answers

Where did my Amazon review checker go?

I occasionally buy things from Amazon. A few months ago there was a new sidebar that analyzed the product reviews for the product on the page. I thought this was an interesting feature! A few weeks later I closed the sidebar. Now it is gone forever and I regret my actions. [more inside]
posted by Vatnesine to Shopping at 9:05 PM - 2 answers

"It's Enough to Make You Heave"

Help me figure where this movie/TV line is from. [more inside]
posted by ThePinkSuperhero to Media & Arts at 6:59 PM - 5 answers

Non-Car Options for Budget Electrified Commute

I'm tired of fucking oil companies and want to electrify my commute a bit, but I don't want another car. What are my options? Much more after the jump. [more inside]
posted by Sauce Trough to Travel & Transportation at 4:12 PM - 6 answers

Black screens of death?

My roommate and I share a computer monitor. When the HDMI cable is hooked up to his computer, my external monitor is all his, and I can live without the monitor - even though it makes things a TON easier for me. When I plug the cable into my docking station, both my laptop screen and the external monitor go black. Completely black. No mouse cursor or anything black. [more inside]
posted by The Almighty Mommy goddess to Computers & Internet at 3:02 PM - 4 answers

What would be components of a Democratic Party populism?

What would a constructive, humane populism under the banner of the Democratic Party look like? (I am not looking here just for a platform about socialism or Bernie-ism or post-neoliberalism. Those are my favored policies but I am really thinking post-Bernie and more about a rhetoric that could be picked up by people who aren't socialists.) [more inside]
posted by kensington314 to Law & government at 10:47 AM - 31 answers

How to declutter for a move.. with a 7 year old hoarder..

I come from a long line of clutterers. I have worked very hard on this with a view to moving house/being less stressed but still have a looonnnngggg way to go. Monkey see monkey do... my kid struggles too... [more inside]
posted by tanktop to Human Relations at 10:42 AM - 20 answers

uBlock origin no longer supported, now what?

Halp! I was informed by my Chromebook that my uBlock origin extension is no longer supported because Chrome OS identified deficiencies (or something, I didn't really understand the message). [more inside]
posted by honey badger to Technology at 10:18 AM - 15 answers

Will my unvested 401k from a layoff ever vest?

I was laid off last year. I have unvested funds in my 401k. Will they ever be vested? [more inside]
posted by MisantropicPainforest to Work & Money at 10:03 AM - 4 answers

Why do NONTHERMAL curtains reach all the way to the floor?

Why would white curtains with no significant thermal insulation value (they keep out neither hot nor cold) reach all the way to the floor? Is there any downside to getting these curtains shortened to just below the windowsill? [more inside]
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries to Home & garden at 9:47 AM - 12 answers

Morel? Or immorel?

From the mulch have arisen half a dozen objects that sure look like morels to me. Is that what they really are? [more inside]
posted by Dr. Wu to Science & Nature at 9:13 AM - 12 answers


I may buy a used washer/dryer set, which I’d need moved down a flight of steps into my basement (in Western Massachusetts.) I don’t want to do this myself. How much can I expect to pay someone to do this, and how do I find them? Posting in my local Facebook group wasn’t fruitful. (I can obtain and install transit bolts and hook up the machine myself, just not the moving.)
posted by needs more cowbell to Home & garden at 8:26 AM - 13 answers

Searching for an account of a tragedy at Disneyworld

This may have been a meta filter post or a news article from years ago. A person who worked as a character as Disneyworld was describing how two children were brought to the park by police after their parents had been killed in a car accident. The characters tried to comfort the children until relatives could arrive at the park. [more inside]
posted by jefficator to Human Relations at 8:12 AM - 2 answers

Recommendations needed for a back brace

I’ve got a 30 pound toddler who is 18 months old and going through a very clingy phase. My back can’t handle it anymore and I need recommendations for some kind of solution. [more inside]
posted by BuddhaInABucket to Health & Fitness at 7:44 AM - 4 answers

Restaurant in Nice

A friend is heading to Nice and wants a restaurant recommendation. Luckily, he is looking for French food. Places with Michelin stars might be a bit too pricey. Any suggestions?
posted by rouleur to Travel & Transportation at 6:56 AM - 10 answers