Make Anim(ation) Real
May 17, 2024 4:36 PM   Subscribe

Over 15 years ago, Microsoft released Photosynth [previously], a nifty tool that could correlate dozens of photos of the same place from different angles in order to make a sort of virtual tour using photogrammetry, a technique that went on to influence google Earth's 3D landscapes and virtual reality environments. But what if you tried the same thing with cartoons? Enter Toon3D, a novel approach to applying photogrammetry principles to hand-drawn animation. The results are imperfect due to the inherent inconsistency of drawn environments, but it's still rather impressive to see a virtual camera moving around glitched-out versions of the Krusty Krab, Bojack Horseman's living room, or the train car from Spirited Away. Interestingly, the same approach works about as well on paintings or even AI-generated video; see also the similar technique of neural radiance fields (NERFs) for creating realistic high-fidelity virtual recreations of real (and unreal) environments.
posted by Rhaomi (2 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I love how Shaggy is an integral part of the mystery machine.
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 4:54 PM on May 17

when I saw those NERF vids a few years ago, my mind simply boggled. Now?

Some ML processes now have developed correlative models 1, 2 (of MANY) that appear to 'understand" physics; or ducktype outputs that are indistinguishable from current state-of-the-art sims,..... when that happens at scale....oy.
posted by lalochezia at 5:11 PM on May 17

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