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Donald <strong>trump</strong>'s Net Worth Over The Past Decade, Visualized | Digg

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Donald trump's Net Worth Over The Past Decade, Visualized

Donald Trump's Net Worth Over The Past Decade, Visualized
Despite mounting legal fees, the former president's wealth has reached new heights.
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Before he was known for being the 45th president of the United States, Donald trump was known for being very, very rich — and despite the mounting legal fees he faces in relation to numerous investigations, indictments and upcoming criminal trials, the businessman and politician is still worth nearly $6 billion today.

Using Forbes data on trump's wealth, Visual Capitalist charted the former president's fluctuating net worth between 2014 and 2024.

The trump Media & Technology Group — which owns trump's social media platform Truth Social — made its debut on the New York stock exchange last week, in a move that set him up to net around $3 billion on paper.

This week, though, shares in the media company fell by 21.5 percent after it revealed it lost $58.2 million last year — and trump's net worth plummeted by more than $1 billion as a result.

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donald trump net worth

Via Visual Capitalist.


  1. John Doe 3 days ago

    I'll wager that if you factor in ALL of his debt (both known and hidden), he is not worth a dime.

    trump is like someone with three $25K credit cards claiming they are worth $75K.

    1. Sevan 2 days ago

      Completely agree.
      Additionally, his personality isn't worth shi* either.

    2. DuckSauceSupreme 3 days ago

      The man literally views loans as income... and he isn't 100% wrong (in his situation) as our country has let him play shell and 'bankruptcy' games his entire life. Why wouldn't a person who has fueled his entire life via outrageous loans that he bankruptcy's out of NOT consider loans income? I mean, the guy lost so much money he didn't have to pay taxes for a decade... the fact is our country is bought and paid for by the rich who've insulated themselves from having to face consequences of just about any kind. If one of us plebs committed bank fraud to get better loans, we'd be in federal prison. He does it and he is running for President... that tells you all you need to know about us and our country.

      1. Sevan 2 days ago

        ...and the cell key would have been lost.

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