クラス | 説明 |
CommandPlugin |
CommandPlugin is an abstract class for command plugins.
CreateClientPlugin |
CreateClientPlugin provides create-client goal to create dbflute client.
DocCommandPlugin |
DocCommandPlugin provides doc goal to run doc.
DownloadPlugin |
Download Plugin provides download goal to download a zip file of dbflute.
GenerateCommandPlugin |
GenerateCommandPlugin provides generate goal to run generate.
GenerateCrudPlugin |
GenerateCrudPlugin provides generate-crud goal to generate CRUD pages.
GenerateCrudPropertyPlugin |
GenerateCrudPlugin provides generate-crud goal to generate CRUD pages.
JdbcCommandPlugin |
JdbcCommandPlugin provides jdbc goal to run jdbc.
ManageCommandPlugin |
ManageCommandPlugin provides manage goal to run manage.
OutsideSqltestCommandPlugin |
OutsideSqltestCommandPlugin provides outside-sql-test goal to run outside-sql-test.
ReplaceSchemaCommandPlugin |
ReplaceSchemaCommandPlugin provides replace-schema goal to run replace-schema.
Sql2entityCommandPlugin |
Sql2entityCommandPlugin provides sql2entity goal to run sql2entity.
UpgradePlugin |
UpgradePlugin provides upgrade goal to download a zip file of dbflute and replace _project.*.
例外 | 説明 |
PluginSystemException |
PluginSystemException is a system exception class.
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