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Nebraska Election <strong>2</strong>0<strong>2</strong>4: Key Races and Historical Presidential Election Results
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5 electoral votes
Projected winner
99% expected votes in
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Projected winner
99% expected votes in (Est. remaining 4,500)
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Projected winner
99% expected votes in (Est. remaining 5,500)
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Nebraska House Districts

Full results
District 1District 1311,960 votes99% in
District 2District 2314,567 votes99% in
District 3District 3302,770 votes92% in
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Nebraska Ballot Measures

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Initiative: Right to Abortion

Not passed
99% expected votes in (Est. remaining 12,000)

Amendment: Prohibit Abortions After First Trimester

99% expected votes in (Est. remaining 14,000)

The expected vote is the total number of votes that are expected in a given race once all votes are counted. This number is an estimate and is based on several different factors, including information on the number of votes cast early as well as information provided to our vote reporters on Election Day from county election officials. The figure can change as NBC News gathers new information.

Source: National Election Pool (NEP)