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The Best Memes From Trump's Car-Crash Presidential Debate Against Kamala Harris | Digg

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The Best Memes From Trump's Car-Crash Presidential Debate With Kamala Harris

The Best Memes From Trump's Car-Crash Presidential Debate With Kamala Harris
The fiery debate was a disaster for the former president, who made some of his most ludicrous claims yet.
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The first presidential debate featuring the Democrats' new nominee, Kamala Harris, took place on the evening of Tuesday, September 10 — and it did not go well for her opponent Donald Trump.

In fact, it went horribly.

Unlike the calm and collected Harris, whom most watchers said outperformed her opponent on stage, Trump's performance was incoherent, evasive and flustered. He regurgitated his favorite MAGA falsehoods, failed to display any serious grasp on policy and repeatedly allowed Harris's personal digs to rattle him.

And yet, somehow, none of those were the worst part of Trump's night. It's a very, very good thing that ABC News, who hosted the event, had its moderators fact-check the debate — because the former president came out with some of the wildest conspiracy theories we've seen from him in a long time.

From the ludicrous claim that immigrants are eating people's pets in Ohio to the suggestion that Harris "wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens" in prison, people online had a lot of material to joke about.

Note: NBC News fact-checkers say Trump's comment about "transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison" lacks context. In 2019, Harris said in an ACLU questionnaire that she supported gender transition treatment for transgender people who rely on the state for care, including federal prisoners and detainees.

[Image credit: YouTube]


  1. CynBlue 1 week ago

    The GOP doesn't and won't accept federal money from the Biden/Harris administration to feed children, but sure teachers, faculty and staff are doing transgender operations on children at school and transgender operations on illegal aliens.
    Vote Blue.

    1. In effect, the RepubliKKKan/MAGA ideal seems to be one whose core concept is the Afrikaans word Reddingsdaad, which translates as "rescue deed." Such being imagined as an organic, spontaneous and "people-centrist" movement of socioeconomic and cultural empowerment targeting especially "poor whites" and suchlike socioeconomically marginalised.

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