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The Essays of Michel de Montaigne Online
The Essays of Michel de Montaigne Online
Table of Contents
Book 1
- 1By Various Ways We Arrive at the same End
- 2On sorrow
- 3Our Attachments Outlive Us
- 4How the soul Releases Its Emotions on False Objects When Real Ones Are Missing
- 5Whether the Commander of a Place Under siege Ought to Go Out to Parley
- 6The Dangerous Hour of Parley
- 7Intent Is the Arbiter of Our Actions
- 8On Idleness
- 9On Liars
- 10On Quick or slow speech
- 11On Prognostications
- 12On Constancy
- 13Protocol at the Meetings of Kings
- 14There Is a Price to Pay for Needlessly Defending a Position
- 15On the Punishment of Cowardice
- 16A Record of some Ambassadors
- 17On Fear
- 18Let Others Judge of Our Happiness after Our Death
- 19To Philosophize Is to Learn to Die
- 20On the Power of Imagination
- 21One Person’s Gain Is Another Person’s Loss
- 22On Custom and Not Easily Changing an Accepted Law
- 23Various Events sharing the same Premise
- 24On Pedantry
- 25On the Education of Children
- 26It Is Folly to Measure the True and the False by Our Own Capacity
- 27On Friendship
- 28Twenty-Nine sonnets of Étienne de La Boétie
- 29On Moderation
- 30On Cannibals
- 31Hazarding an Opinion on God’s Plans Demands Caution
- 32On Fleeing from Pleasures at the Cost of One’s Life
- 33Where Reason Goes Fortune Often Goes Too
- 34On a Deficiency in Our systems
- 35On the Custom of Wearing Clothes
- 36On Cato the Younger
- 37How We Cry and Laugh at the same Thing
- 38On solitude
- 39A Consideration on Cicero
- 40The Taste of Good and Bad Things Depends Mostly on the Opinion We Have of Them
- 41On Not sharing One’s Fame
- 42On the Inequality among Us
- 43On sumptuary Laws
- 44On sleep
- 45On the Battle of Dreux
- 46On Names
- 47On the Uncertainty of Our Judgment
- 48On War Horses
- 49On Ancient Customs
- 50On Democritus and Heraclitus
- 51On the Vanity of Words
- 52On the Parsimony of the Ancients
- 53On a saying of Caesar
- 54On Vain subtleties
- 55On smells
- 56On Prayers
- 57On Age
Book 2
- 1On the Inconsistency of Our Actions
- 2On Drunkenness
- 3A Custom of the Island of Cea
- 4Business Can Wait
- 5On Conscience
- 6On Practice
- 7On Honorary Awards
- 8On the Affection of Fathers for Their Children
- 9On the Armor of the Parthians
- 10On Books
- 11On Cruelty
- 12Apology for Raymond sebond
- 13On Judging of the Death of Another
- 14How Our Mind Hinders Itself
- 15Difficulty Increases Our Desire
- 16On Glory
- 17On Presumption
- 18On Calling Out Lies
- 19On Freedom of Conscience
- 20We Taste Nothing Pure
- 21Against Laziness
- 22On Couriers
- 23On Bad Means to a Good End
- 24On Roman Greatness
- 25On Not Faking an Illness
- 26On Thumbs
- 27Cowardice, Mother of Cruelty
- 28All Things Have Their season
- 29On Virtue
- 30On a Monster Child
- 31On Anger
- 32In Defense of seneca and Plutarch
- 33The story of spurina
- 34Observations on Julius Caesar’s Methods of Waging War
- 35On Three Good Women
- 36On the Most Excellent Men
- 37On the Resemblance of Children to Their Fathers
Book 3
This is the table of contents of HyperEssays’s ongoing translation of Michel de Montaigne’s Essays.
The table of contents of other editions is also available, including that of Charles Cotton’s 1685 translation, John Florio’s 1603 translation, and the 1598 Middle French edition.