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These Countries Have The Most Stateless People | Digg

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These Countries Have The Most Stateless People

These Countries Have The Most Stateless People
The highest-ranking country counted 971,898 stateless people in 2023.
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According to the UN's Refugee Agency, there are more than 4.4 million people who are stateless — not recognized as citizens of any country — or of undetermined nationality worldwide.

Using the UNHCR's data, Arciom Antanovič mapped the number of stateless persons per country in 2023.

With almost 972,000 stateless people, Bangladesh tops the list, followed by Côte d'Ivoire (930,978) and Myanmar (632,789).

Thailand is in fourth place, with a considerably lower 587,132 stateless people, while fifth-placed Latvia has 180,614.

People can become stateless for a number of reasons, including those caused by racial and ethnic discrimination. In some countries, nationality is inherited through the father, leaving children without a recognized nationality if the father is absent.

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countries w/ most stateless people

Via Visual Capitalist.


  1. Anthony Glaser 1 week ago

    I notice that the Dominican Republic is not even on this list. I don't know the current figures, but in 2014 the NY Times reported that "The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated in 2014 that the Dominican Republic was home to roughly 210,000 stateless people" - almost all Haitians who were born in the D.R. but had their citizenship revoked by a new law in the D.R. Donald Trump is apparently planning to retrospectively remove birthright citizenship in the US, which (according to NPR) will result in 3 to 5 million people in the US becoming stateless.

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