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Bible <strong>s</strong>cholar Explain<strong>s</strong> Where The 'H' In 'Je<strong>s</strong>u<strong>s</strong> H. Chri<strong>s</strong>t' Come<strong>s</strong> From | Digg


Bible scholar Explains Where The 'H' In Jesus H. Christ Comes From

Bible Scholar Explains Where The 'H' In Jesus H. Christ Comes From
Dan McClellan, Biblical academic and noted TikToker, breaks down the most likely explanation for the odd middle initial.
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  1. Gene Black 2 hours ago

    He is wearing a Flash shirt to make him more believable

  2. John Doe 1 day ago

    Jesus Christ never existed. He is a completely fictional character. Pure mythology.

    1. Unknown 22 hours ago

      LOL. He definitely existed. The fact Pontius existed and was alive during the time of Jesus is one of my evidences.

      Now whether he’s the son of god? No, that’s all bullshit. Good dude who adopted a lot of Buddhism in his teachings, but a god or son of a virgin he was not.

    2. Off topic.

      Not a believer, by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't understand your comment. The video isn't about whether Christ existed. Instead it answers an interesting question about the origin of the phrase. Belief, or the lack thereof, has nothing to do with it.

  3. It is obviously "Harold," as in "Harold be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done".

    1. Made me laugh. :)

    2. P.Grajek 1 day ago

      Hay, men!

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