This is a cache of It is a snapshot of the page at 2024-10-22T00:21:47.994+0000.
Search API


Search API

Fetching Search Results

You can retrieve search results from fess in JSON format by sending a request to http://<Server Name>/api/v1/documents?q=search term. To use the search API, you need to enable JSON responses in the Administration screen under “General Settings.”

Request Parameters

You can specify request parameters to perform advanced searches, such as http://<Server Name>/api/v1/documents?q=search term&num=50&fields.label=fess. The available request parameters are as follows:

q The search term. Encode it in the URL.
start The starting position of the search results. It starts from 0.
num The number of results to display. The default is 20, and you can display up to 100.
sort Sorting. Used to sort the search results.
fields.label Label value. Used to specify a label.
facet.field Specify a facet field. (e.g., facet.field=label)
facet.query Specify a facet query. (e.g., facet.query=timestamp:[now/d-1d TO *])
facet.size Specify the maximum number of facets to retrieve. This is valid when facet.field is specified.
facet.minDocCount Retrieve facets with a count equal to or greater than this value. This is valid when facet.field is specified.
geo.location.point Specify latitude and longitude. (e.g., geo.location.point=35.0,139.0)
geo.location.distance Specify the distance from the center point. (e.g., geo.location.distance=10km)
lang Specify the search language. (e.g., lang=en)
preference Specify a string to determine the shard to use during search. (e.g., preference=abc)
callback The callback name when using JSONP. It is not necessary to specify if JSONP is not used.

Table: Request Parameters


The response returned will be as follows:
(Formatted version)
  "q": "fess",
  "query_id": "bd60f9579a494dfd8c03db7c8aa905b0",
  "exec_time": 0.21,
  "query_time": 0,
  "page_size": 20,
  "page_number": 1,
  "record_count": 31625,
  "page_count": 1,
  "highlight_params": "&hq=n2sm&hq=fess",
  "next_page": true,
  "prev_page": false,
  "start_record_number": 1,
  "end_record_number": 20,
  "page_numbers": [
  "partial": false,
  "search_query": "(fess OR n2sm)",
  "requested_time": 1507822131845,
  "related_query": [
  "related_contents": [],
  "data": [
      "filetype": "html",
      "title": "Open Source Enterprise Search Server: fessfess 11.0 documentation",
      "content_title": "Open Source Enterprise Search Server: fess — Fe...",
      "digest": "Docs » Open Source Enterprise Search Server: fess Commercial Support Open Source Enterprise Search Server: fess What is fess? fess is a powerful and easily deployable Enterprise Search Server. ...",
      "host": "",
      "last_modified": "2017-10-09T22:28:56.000Z",
      "content_length": "29624",
      "timestamp": "2017-10-09T22:28:56.000Z",
      "url_link": "",
      "created": "2017-10-10T15:00:48.609Z",
      "site_path": "",
      "doc_id": "e79fbfdfb09d4bffb58ec230c68f6f7e",
      "url": "",
      "content_description": "Enterprise Search Server: fess Commercial Support Open...Search Server: fess What is fess? fess is a very powerful...You can quickly install and run fess on any platform...fess is provided under the Apache license...Apache license. Demo fess is an Elasticsearch-based search",
      "site": "",
      "boost": "10.0",
      "mimetype": "text/html"

The response will be as follows:

Response Information
q Search term
exec_time Response time (in seconds)
query_time Query processing time (in milliseconds)
page_size Number of items per page
page_number Page number
record_count Total number of hits for the search term
page_count Number of pages for the search term
highlight_params Highlighting parameters
next_page true: Next page exists, false: Next page does not exist
prev_page true: Previous page exists, false: Previous page does not exist
start_record_number Starting record number
end_record_number Ending record number
page_numbers Array of page numbers
partial true if the search was truncated due to a timeout or other reasons
search_query Search query
requested_time Request time (in epoch milliseconds)
related_query Related queries
related_contents Queries related to the content
facet_field Information about documents that match the given facet field (only if the request parameter “facet.field” is provided)
facet_query Number of documents that match the given facet query (only if the request parameter “facet.query” is provided)
result Parent element of search results
filetype File type
created Document creation date and time
title Document title
doc_id Document ID
url Document URL
site Site name
content_description Description of the content
host Host name
digest Digest string of the document
boost Document boost value
mimetype MIME type
last_modified Last modified date and time
content_length Document size
url_link URL as part of the search result
timestamp Document update date and time

Searching All Documents

To search all documents, send the following request: http://<Server Name>/api/v1/documents/all?q=search_term`

To use this feature, you need to set to true in the file.

Request Parameters

The available request parameters are as follows:

q Search term. Pass it after URL encoding.
num Number of items to display. The default value is 20, and you can display up to 100 items.
sort Sort order. Used to sort the search results.

Table: Request Parameters