Fess Configuration Properties
This document describes the configuration properties of Fess. The default values can be found in fess_config.properties
See table bellow for the list of configuration properties and their descriptions:
Name | Description | Default |
domain.tile | The domain name of the tile server. | Fess |
search_engine.type | The type of search engine. | default |
search_engine.http.url | The URL of the search engine. | http://localhost:9201 |
search_engine.http.ssl.certificate_authorities | The path to the certificate authorities file. | (empty) |
search_engine.username | The username for the search engine. | (empty) |
search_engine.password | The password for the search engine. | (empty) |
search_engine.heartbeat_interval | The interval of the heartbeat. (in milliseconds) | 10000 |
Name | Description | Default |
api.access.token.length | The length of the API access token. | 60 |
api.access.token.required | Whether the API access token is required. | false |
api.access.token.request.parameter | The request parameter for the API access token. | (empty) |
api.search.accept.referers | The accepted referers for API search. | (empty) |
api.search.scroll | Enable scroll feature for Search API | false |
api.json.response.headers | The headers for JSON responses in the API. | (empty) |
api.json.response.exception.included | Whether to include exceptions in JSON responses. | false |
api.gsa.response.headers | The headers for gSA responses in the API. | (empty) |
api.gsa.response.exception.included | Whether to include exceptions in gSA responses. | false |
api.dashboard.response.headers | The headers for dashboard responses in the API. | (empty) |
api.cors.allow.origin | The allowed origins for CORS. | |
api.cors.allow.methods | The allowed methods for CORS. | gET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE, PUT |
api.cors.max.age | The maximum age for CORS preflight requests. | 3600 |
api.cors.allow.headers | The allowed headers for CORS. | Origin, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, X-Requested-With |
api.cors.allow.credentials | Whether to allow credentials for CORS. | true |
api.jsonp.enabled | Whether JSONP is enabled. | false |
api.ping.search_engine.fields | The fields for pinging the search engine. | status,timed_out |
Name | Description | Default |
virtual.host.headers | The headers for virtual hosts. | (empty) |
Name | Description | Default |
crawler.document.html.content.xpath | The XPath for HTML content. | //BODY |
crawler.document.html.lang.xpath | The XPath for HTML language. | //HTML/@lang |
crawler.document.html.digest.xpath | The XPath for HTML digest. | //META[@name=’description’]/@content |
crawler.document.html.canonical.xpath | The XPath for HTML canonical link. | //LINK[@rel=’canonical’][1]/@href |
crawler.document.html.pruned.tags | The tags to prune from HTML documents. | noscript,script,style,header,footer,aside,nav,a[rel=nofollow] |
crawler.document.html.max.digest.length | The maximum length for HTML digest. | 120 |
crawler.document.html.default.lang | The default language for HTML documents. | (empty) |
crawler.document.html.default.include.index.patterns | The include index patterns for HTML documents. | (empty) |
crawler.document.html.default.exclude.index.patterns | The exclude index patterns for HTML documents. | (?i).*(css|js|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|bmp|wmv|xml|ico|exe) |
crawler.document.html.default.include.search.patterns | The include search patterns for HTML documents. | (empty) |
crawler.document.html.default.exclude.search.patterns | The exclude search patterns for HTML documents. | (empty) |
Name | Description | Default |
query.facet.fields | The fields to be used for faceting. | label |
query.facet.fields.size | The maximum number of facet entries to be returned. | 100 |
query.facet.fields.min_doc_count | The minimum document count for a facet entry to be included. | 1 |
query.facet.fields.sort | The sort order of the facet entries. | count.desc |
query.facet.fields.missing | The value to be used for missing fields. | (empty) |
query.facet.queries | The custom facet queries. | labels.facet_timestamp_title: labels.facet_timestamp_1day=timestamp:[now/d-1d TO *]t labels.facet_timestamp_1week=timestamp:[now/d-7d TO *]t labels.facet_timestamp_1month=timestamp:[now/d-1M TO *]t labels.facet_timestamp_1year=timestamp:[now/d-1y TO *]n labels.facet_contentLength_title: labels.facet_contentLength_10k=content_length:[0 TO 9999]t labels.facet_contentLength_10kto100k=content_length:[10000 TO 99999]t labels.facet_contentLength_100kto500k=content_length:[100000 TO 499999]t labels.facet_contentLength_500kto1m=content_length:[500000 TO 999999]t labels.facet_contentLength_1m=content_length:[1000000 TO *]n labels.facet_filetype_title: labels.facet_filetype_html=filetype:htmlt labels.facet_filetype_word=filetype:wordt labels.facet_filetype_excel=filetype:excelt labels.facet_filetype_powerpoint=filetype:powerpointt labels.facet_filetype_odt=filetype:odtt labels.facet_filetype_ods=filetype:odst labels.facet_filetype_odp=filetype:odpt labels.facet_filetype_pdf=filetype:pdft labels.facet_filetype_txt=filetype:txtt labels.facet_filetype_others=filetype:othersn |
Name | Description | Default |
paging.page.size | The size of one page for paging | 25 |
paging.page.range.fill.limit | The option fillLimit of page range for paging | true |
Name | Description | Default |
user.code.request.parameter | Request parameter for user code | userCode |
user.code.min.length | Minimum length for user code | 20 |
user.code.max.length | Maximum length for user code | 100 |
user.code.pattern | Pattern for user code | [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ |
Name | Description | Default |
mail.from.name | The name displayed in the “From” field of outgoing emails. | Administrator |
mail.from.address | The email address displayed in the “From” field of outgoing emails. | root@localhost |
mail.hostname | The hostname of the mail server. | (empty) |
Online Help
Name | Description | Default |
online.help.base.link | Base link for online help | https://fess.codelibs.org/{lang}/{version}/admin/ |
online.help.installation | Installation help link | https://fess.codelibs.org/{lang}/{version}/install/install.html |
online.help.eol | End of life help link | https://fess.codelibs.org/{lang}/eol.html |
online.help.name.failureurl | Failure URL help name | failureurl |
online.help.name.elevateword | Elevate word help name | elevateword |
online.help.name.reqheader | Request header help name | reqheader |
online.help.name.dict.synonym | Synonym dictionary help name | synonym |
online.help.name.dict | Dictionary help name | dict |
online.help.name.dict.kuromoji | Kuromoji dictionary help name | kuromoji |
online.help.name.dict.protwords | Protected words dictionary help name | protwords |
online.help.name.dict.stopwords | Stopwords dictionary help name | stopwords |
online.help.name.dict.stemmeroverride | Stemmer override dictionary help name | stemmeroverride |
online.help.name.dict.mapping | Mapping dictionary help name | mapping |
online.help.name.webconfig | Web configuration help name | webconfig |
online.help.name.searchlist | Search list help name | searchlist |
online.help.name.log | Log help name | log |
online.help.name.general | general help name | general |
online.help.name.role | Role help name | role |
online.help.name.joblog | Job log help name | joblog |
online.help.name.keymatch | Key match help name | keymatch |
online.help.name.relatedquery | Related query help name | relatedquery |
online.help.name.relatedcontent | Related content help name | relatedcontent |
online.help.name.wizard | Wizard help name | wizard |
online.help.name.badword | Bad word help name | badword |
online.help.name.pathmap | Path map help name | pathmap |
online.help.name.boostdoc | Boost document help name | boostdoc |
online.help.name.dataconfig | Data configuration help name | dataconfig |
online.help.name.systeminfo | System information help name | systeminfo |
online.help.name.user | User help name | user |
online.help.name.group | group help name | group |
online.help.name.design | Design help name | design |
online.help.name.dashboard | Dashboard help name | dashboard |
online.help.name.webauth | Web authentication help name | webauth |
online.help.name.fileconfig | File configuration help name | fileconfig |
online.help.name.fileauth | File authentication help name | fileauth |
online.help.name.labeltype | Label type help name | labeltype |
online.help.name.duplicatehost | Duplicate host help name | duplicatehost |
online.help.name.scheduler | Scheduler help name | scheduler |
online.help.name.crawlinginfo | Crawling information help name | crawlinginfo |
online.help.name.backup | Backup help name | backup |
online.help.name.upgrade | Upgrade help name | upgrade |
online.help.name.esreq | Elasticsearch request help name | esreq |
online.help.name.accesstoken | Access token help name | accesstoken |
online.help.name.suggest | Suggest help name | suggest |
online.help.name.searchlog | Search log help name | searchlog |
online.help.name.maintenance | Maintenance help name | maintenance |
online.help.name.plugin | Plugin help name | plugin |
online.help.name.storage | Storage help name | storage |
online.help.supported.langs | Supported languages | ja |
Name | Description | Default |
forum.link | Base link for forum | https://discuss.codelibs.org/c/Fess{lang}/ |
forum.supported.langs | Supported languages | en,ja |
Maven Repository
Name | Description | Default |
plugin.repositories | URLs for plugin repositories | https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/codelibs/fess/,https://fess.codelibs.org/plugin/artifacts.yaml |
plugin.version.filter | Filter for plugin versions | (empty) |
Name | Description | Default |
storage.max.items.in.page | Maximum items in a page | 1000 |
Name | Description | Default |
password.invalid.admin.passwords | Invalid passwords a user can use as their password | admin |