- Installation
- Administration
- Search
- Configuration
- Introduction
- System-related settings
- Crawler
- Search-Related Settings
- Placement of Search Form
- Virtual Host
- Register for Windows Service
- Role-Based Search Configuration
- Index Management
- Analyzer Configuration
- Location Information Search
- Thumbnail Image Configuration
- Bulk Retrieval of Search Results
- Search Functionality
- Fess Configuration Properties
System-related settings
Configuration of ports used
The default port used by Fess is 8080. To change it, follow these steps:
For Linux environments, edit bin/
For Windows environments, edit bin\\
set FESS_JAVA_OPTS=%FESS_JAVA_OPTS% -Dfess.port=8080
If you are registering Fess as a Windows service, also update the port in bin\\service.bat
set FESS_PARAMS=-Dfess;-Dfess.home="%FESS_HOME%";"%SEARCH_ENGINE_HOME%";-Dfess.home="%FESS_HOME%";-Dfess.context.path="/";-Dfess.port=8080;-Dfess.webapp.path="%FESS_HOME%\\app";-Dfess.temp.path="%FESS_HOME%\\temp";"%APP_NAME%";-Dfess.log.path="%FESS_HOME%\\logs";-Dfess.log.level=warn;-Dlasta.env=web;
Configuration of memory used
In Java, each process has a maximum memory limit. Even if your server has 8GB of physical memory, the process won’t use more memory than the defined limit. The amount of memory consumed can vary significantly depending on the number of crawling threads and intervals. If you encounter memory issues, follow these steps to adjust the settings.
On servers running OpenSearch, excessive allocation of Java heap memory can degrade performance due to the use of the OS file system cache. Refer to the OpenSearch documentation for appropriate settings.
Changing the maximum heap memory value
Depending on the crawl settings, the following OutOfMemory error may occur.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
If this occurs, increase the maximum value of heap memory. Specify the environment variable FESS_HEAP_SIZE as FESS_HEAP_SIZE=2g or change FESS_HEAP_SIZE in /etc/sysconfig/fess
if it is rpm.
Crawler-side heap memory maximum change
The maximum heap memory on the crawler side can also be adjusted. It should be increased if the filesystem or other systems are being heavily crawled. To make this change, modify the line -Xmx512m in the jvm.crawler.options found in app/web-INF/classes/
or /etc/fess/
Configuration of logs
Log files
Fess output log files are listed below.
Table: list of log files
Check the above logs in case of problems with operation.
Change log level
You can change the log level value of the output log in General on the management screen. If you want to configure more detailed log settings, you can change them in app/web-INF/classes/log4j2.xml
or /etc/fess/log4j2.xml
. By default, the output is at WARN level.
Crawler logs are output at INFO level by default. If you want to change the log level, specify it using the logLevel(String) method in the crawl job settings on the management screen.