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Spotify Points Finger at Apple Over an Unwelcome Change To Volume Control Tech - Slashdot

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Spotify Points Finger at Apple Over an Unwelcome Change To Volume Control Tech ( 13

Spotify claims Apple may be again in violation of European regulation, the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which requires interoperability from big technology companies dubbed "gatekeepers." From a report: This time, the issue isn't about in-app purchases, links or pricing information, but rather how Apple has discontinued the technology that allows Spotify users to control the volume on their connected devices.

When streaming to connected devices via Spotify Connect on iOS, users were previously able to use the physical buttons on the side of their iPhone to adjust the volume. As a result of the change, this will no longer work. To work around the issue, Spotify iOS users will instead be directed to use the volume slider in the Spotify Connect menu in the app to control the volume on connected devices. The company notes that this issue doesn't affect users controlling the volume on iOS Bluetooth or AirPlay sessions, nor users on Android. It only applies to those listening via Spotify Connect on iOS. As a result, Spotify iOS users globally will be directed to use the new in-app volume slider beginning on September 3.

Spotify Points Finger at Apple Over an Unwelcome Change To Volume Control Tech

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  • by machineghost ( 622031 ) on Thursday August 29, 2024 @08:15PM (#64747632)

    I'm so sick of hearing "Everything Apple Makes is Better" from Apple fanboys.

    Even if was true (and it's not), their monopolistic bullshit ensures that if you ever step outside of Apple's walled garden, you will pay for it.

    • I have an iPhone, an Android tablet, and a Windows desktop, sync'd with OneDrive and iCloud.

      I guess I'm doing something wrong as I'm not paying for anything.

    • I'm so sick of hearing "Everything Apple Makes is Better" from Apple fanboys.

      I've only actually heard that phrase from people who want to bitch about Apple. Seems like you'd be a lot happier if you found a new hobby.

  • I went from several super annoying bugs to new annoying bugs. The latest one is that spotify will randomly turn on asshole shuffle three or four times a week. Their moronic shuffle is so bad I keep it off but when I get in the car some mornings idiot shuffle is back on. When dumbass shuffle gets turned on it resets the list to the top. I'm used to it now and can quickly get back to where I was. Its still annoying though.
    • I am still on Android 11
    • I have maybe 1, 2 issues with my Pixel 9 series phone running Android 14. Maybe it's just the phone? Try a Pixel - the way Google intended Android to be.
    • Just trying to understand... how would that be caused by the OS? How do you know it's not a bug of the application? (Bug that is exposed in your particular OS / hardware combination.)

  • Apple doesn't like it when the volume buttons are used to control a device where the phone is not the audio source. Control the volume for music played over Bluetooth or Appleplay, no problem. Control the volume of a wifi speaker streaming audio from elsewhere: verboten.

  • Apple broke it because the Spotify app isn't "playing music" when using Spotify Connect. It's just passing commands through a wireless connection.

Recent investments will yield a slight profit.
