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Manual lo<strong>g</strong> correlation | APM .NET A<strong>g</strong>ent Reference [1.x] | Elastic

Manual log correlation


If the agent-provided logging integrations are not suitable or not available for your application, then you can use the agent’s API to inject trace IDs manually. There are two main approaches you can take, depending on whether you are using structured or unstructured logging.

Manual log correlation (structured)

For correlating structured logs with traces, the following fields should be added to your logs:


given a transaction object, you can obtain its trace id by using the Transaction.TraceId property and its transaction id by using the Transaction.Id property.

You can also use the Elastic.Apm.Agent.Tracer.CurrentTransaction property anywhere in the code to access the currently active transaction.

public (string traceId, string transactionId) getTraceIds()
	if (!Agent.IsConfigured) return default;
	if (Agent.Tracer.CurrentTransaction == null) return default;
	return (Agent.Tracer.CurrentTransaction.TraceId, Agent.Tracer.CurrentTransaction.Id);

In case the agent is configured and there is an active transaction, the traceId and transactionId will always return the current trace and transaction ids that you can manually add to your logs. Make sure you store those in the fields and when you send them to Elasticsearch.

Manual log correlation (unstructured)

For correlating unstructured logs (e.g. basic printf-style logging, like Console.WriteLine), you will need to include the trace ids in your log message, and then extract them using Filebeat.

If you already have a transaction object, then you can use the TraceId and Id properties. Both are of type string, so you can simply add them to the log.

var currentTransaction = //get Current transaction, e.g.: Agent.Tracer.CurrentTransaction;

Console.WriteLine($"ERROR [{currentTransaction.TraceId}{currentTransaction.Id}] an error occurred");

This would print a log message along the lines of:

    ERROR [] an error occurred

For log correlation to work, the trace ids must be extracted from the log message and stored in separate fields in the Elasticsearch document. This can be achieved by parsing the data by using ingest node, in particular by using the grok processor.

  "description": "...",
  "processors": [
      "grok": {
        "field": "message",
        "patterns": [%{LOgLEVEL:log.level} \\[{}(?:{})?\\] %{gREEDYDATA:message}"],
        "pattern_definitions": {
          "TRACE_ID": "[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}",
          "SPAN_ID": "[0-9A-Fa-f]{16}"