XML results output
This page is generated by Machine Translation from Japanese.
XML results output
To emit the XML results of Fess . You must in order to emit the XML Management screen crawl settings XML response enabled by you.
To get the output XML http://localhost:8080/ |Fess| /XML? query = search terms
Of these sends a request. Request parameters are as follows.
query | Search language. Pass the URL encoding. |
Start | The number of where to start. Starts at 0. |
NUM | The number of display. The default is 20. You can display up to 100. |
labelTypeValue | The label value. Use to specify the label. |
Responses to
Returns the following response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<content-description>goo の提供するスピード<em>テスト</em>ページです</content-description>
<meta http-equiv="content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUc-JP">
goo スピード<em>テスト</em>
<meta name="description" content="goo の提供するスピード<em>テスト</em>ページです">
<meta name="keywords" content="ADSL,ブロードバンド,フレ...ッツ,BB,無線LAN,cATV,ISDN,スピード<em>テスト</em>">
<meta name="copyright" content="copyright &copy; (c)NTT-X Inc, All...://speedtest.goo.ne.jp/"><img src="/img/h1/h1_76.gif" width="129" height="22" border="0" alt="スピード<em>テスト</em>"><img src..." color="#ffffff">goo スピード<em>テスト</em></font></a></b></td>
<!--/NAME SERVIcE-->
<digest>goo の提供するスピード<em>テスト</em>ページです</digest>
goo スピードテスト
goo スピードテスト
Each element is as follows.
response | The root element. |
version | Format version. |
status | The status of the response. 0, the normal response. |
query | Search language. |
exec-time | Response time. Unit is seconds. |
page-size | The number of display. |
page-number | Page number. |
record-count | Number of hits for the search term. |
page-count | Page number of the number of hits for the search term. |
result | Parent element of the search results. |
doc | The elements of the search results. |
site | The name of the site. |
content-description | A description of the content. |
host | The name of the host. |
last-modified | Last update date. 1970 / 01 / 01 milliseconds starting at 00: 00: 00. |
cache | The contents of the content. |
score | Score values of the document. |
Digest | Digest a string of documents. |
Tstamp | Document creation date. 1970 / 01 / 01 milliseconds starting at 00: 00: 00. |
URL | The URL of the document. |
ID | The ID of the document. |
mimetype | The MIME type. |
title | The title of the document. |
content-title | The title of the document for viewing. |
content-length | The size of the document. |
URL-link | The URL as the search results. |