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Air Traffic Controllers Can Earn Six-Figures An<strong>d</strong> Have Time For Relaxing | <strong>d</strong>igg

a hired veteran

Air Traffic Controller Talks About How He Quickly Started Making Six-Figures

Air Traffic Controller Talks About How He Quickly Started Making Six-Figures
"When planes take off, it's my job to make sure they're separated and safe in the skies," the veteran said.
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With a base salary of $175,000, he said he took home roughly $210,000 after a variety of premiums and overtime.

Via salarytransparentstreet.

Regarding work hours, he said he clocks in about 48 to 50 hours, stating that staffing gets tough during the holiday seasons, but is generally not too bad otherwise. He also shared that he went through the U.S. Military and people can get hired with just three years of general experience. For more information, visit the official FAA website here.


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