Submission + - I am a robot? 1
Is this because I am secretly a robot?
Or is it because the pathetically poor, grainy, low resolution pictures are impossible for humans to interpret?
Not helped by instructions given in US English?
This side of the Atlantic (LANG=en_GB), our fire hydrants look different, we do not consider motorcycles to be bicycles (despite both having two wheels), and we don't have sidewalks or crosswalks (but do have pavements and zebra crossings).
Also, the foolish questions to not specify whether a part of a motorcycle wheel is considered to be a whole bicycle, and if a part is considered to be the whole, how small a part? Does a single pixel count? Does the handrail count as part of stairs?
I am not opposed to the concept of captchas, However, Google's implementation appears to be designed by the kind of American that does not understand that the rest of the world considers American English to be the work of unintelligible idiots.