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The Worst Movie Sequels Ever, According To IMDb Reviews | Digg

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The Worst Movie Sequels Ever, According To IMDb Reviews

The Worst Movie Sequels Ever, According To IMDb Reviews
Using data from IMDb, this study ranked the most disappointing follow-up films of all time.
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Producing a sequel that lives up to the success of the first film can be challenging — and some movies have failed the task more spectacularly than others.

To find out which movie sequels were worst-received by movie-goers, used official worldwide box office earnings data and IMDb reviews to find the 20 most financially successful movie sequels ever.

Then, they analyzed more 100,000 reviews for negative words — including "rubbish," "disaster," "boring," "disappointment/disappointing," and "overrated" — and ranked the films based on the percentage of negative wording they received compared to their total reviews.

The most disappointing movie sequel overall is "Transformers: Age of Extinction," with more than half of its reviews containing negative words. The second-worst sequel is "Star Wars Ep. VII: The Last Jedi" (45 percent), followed by James Bond's 23rd film, "Skyfall" (36 percent).

Avengers: Endgame, the highest-earning sequel in the study, ranked 15th-worst on the list.

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worst movie sequels imdb reviews


[Image credit: YouTube]


  1. Lee Harrington 3 days ago

    The thing I hated the most about The Last Jedi is pretty obscure. Prior to that execrable film, it had always been hyperspace travel. rian changed it to "lightspeed" for some moron reason. Anybody too stupid to understand that you could never have a galactic civilization at lightspeed should not be in charge of a sci-fi project. For context, in my adulthood, I now consider all of Star Wars silly tripe.

  2. Tom Jones 4 days ago

    Episode Vii was The Force Awakens. The Last Jedi took a lot of heat from fanboys over casting. It has a lot of problems in terms of story, but also some truly great scenes. I'd rather watch it than Return of the Jedi.

  3. Jed Leffler 5 days ago

    The methodology is seriously flawed. Skyfall is probably the best reviewed Bond film since GoldenEye or Goldfinger. Agree with the Star Wars comment from Shirley. Take this clickbait down, Digg. You are becoming a shell of what this site used to be.

  4. Star Wars: The Last Jedi was a divisive film. Some people hated it, and others loved it. I thought it was the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back.

    If you want a BAD Star Wars sequel, The Rise Of Skywalker is your film. The Phantom Menace is also terrible but it's a prequel.

  5. Curtis Turner 5 days ago

    The easiest way to tell this is a 'bad list'? Highlander 2.

    1. Unknown 1 day ago

      ^This. Worst sequel ever BY FAR.

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